New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

Threecraft: Where adults pretend to be Hermit-like Swedes, but really just play Minecraft all day

Threecraft: Where adults pretend to be Hermit-like Swedes, but really just play Minecraft all day

New Minecraft Servers

Threecraft Minecraft Server


Server TypeVanilla with anti-grief plugins
Server Launch DateJune 13th
Community AgeSeveral years

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions:

1. What type of server is Threecraft?

Threecraft is a vanilla Minecraft server with anti-grief plugins to enhance gameplay experience.

2. What are the server rules?

The server rules are based on common sense – no stealing, no griefing, respect others’ builds and ask for permission before using others’ farms, including villagers.

3. Can players build anywhere on the server?

Yes, players are free to build wherever they want on the server, whether they are builders or redstoners.

4. Is there a shopping district on the server?

Similar to Hermitcraft, we have a shopping district for players interested in trading and commerce.

5. How can I contact the server admins for further questions?

If you have any more questions, feel free to reach out to us via our communication channels.

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