New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

New Minecraft Servers

Server TypeAnarchy Hardcore
RulesNo rules
IP/Host149.56.45.5 or
ModerationOnly for server stability


What is an Anarchy Hardcore Server?

An anarchy hardcore server is a type of minecraft server where there are no rules and the gameplay is at the hardest difficulty level.

Are IPs logged on this server?

No, IPs are not logged on this server.

Is this a vanilla server?

Yes, this is a pure vanilla server with no modifications or optimizations.

What do moderators do on this server?

Moderators only intervene to restore server stability, they do not enforce any rules or restrictions on gameplay.

Can I join this server and play with friends?

Yes, you can join the server with friends and play together, just keep in mind there are no rules so anything goes.

How do I connect to the server?

You can connect using the IP address or

What happens if the server gets popular?

If the server gains a community, decisions on the future direction of the server will be made collectively.

New Minecraft Server
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