New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

New Minecraft Servers

The Lab Minecraft Server

Server Overview:

Server Name:The Lab
IP:Server IP Address
Version:1.21.4 – mostly vanilla/fabric
Player Count:Active community
  • Banner Flags
  • Vanilla Refresh
  • Villager Leash
  • BlazeandCave’s Advancements Pack
  • Head Database (/head)
  • Dynmap
  • Discord/Minecraft Chat Integration
  • Armor statues



Q: What is the game mode on The Lab server? A: The server is set to Hard mode for a challenging experience.


Q: Are there any specific rules I need to follow? A: Rules are shared on our Discord server and should be respected to maintain a positive community.


Q: Are there any plugins used on the server? A: Yes, we have various datapacks and plugins to enhance the vanilla experience.


Q: How can I get involved in the community? A: Join our Discord server where you can participate in events, minigames, and interact with other players.


Q: Is there any form of monetization on the server? A: We do not engage in any form of monetization for in-game advantages.


Q: How can I join The Lab server? A: Join our Discord server and fill out an application to get started.

If you are interested, please join us on our Discord server for more information.

New Minecraft Server
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