New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

The Lab

The Lab

New Minecraft Servers

Have you been searching for a new server to play Minecraft on? Well, look no further!

We are an active and growing community, who started playing right as the new year began. Whether you’re more of an adventurer, miner, builder or redstoner, we will welcome you all with open arms! It is our third time around in a new world, and we would love for you to join us for future seasons as well.

As with many other SMP’s, we have a shopping district at spawn for all you might need.

General Info

  • Server version: Currently 1.20.2 on Paper, but we intend to update in the future.

  • Server location: Texas, USA. The connection is still great in Europe and other continents.

  • Game mode: Hard

  • World Border: Currently 10k by 10k, but will increase when we update to 1.21

  • Sleep percentage: 20%. You can, however, use /lay as long as at least one person is using their bed.


  • Configurable armor stands (/armorstandtools)

  • Head Database (/hdb help)

  • Dragon Drops Elytra upon death

  • Dynmap

  • Proximity voice chat

  • Player stats

  • Custom Nether Portals

If this sounds like something for you, please join us on discord here:

Open up a ticket and fill out your name/age etc to join!

New Minecraft Server
New Server IP