New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

New Minecraft Servers

The Honeycomb Minecraft Server


What does The Honeycomb have to offer?

  • 📖 Commands: Access useful commands like /tpa, /kits, and /homes to help your Minecraft journey.
  • 💰 Shopping District: Explore Nectar Nook, where you can build and run shops to sell your items.
  • 🏅 Game Events: Participate in exciting in-game Events, including other activities outside of Minecraft.
  • 📝 In-Game Meetings: Share your opinions and suggestions that help with the server’s future.
  • 🧡 Community Projects: Organize and participate in community building projects.
  • 🗺️ Map Resets: Enjoy peace of mind with map resets only happening through community votes.
  • ⚠️ Last Map Reset: 13th July 2024.

Useful links to get you started:

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I access useful commands on the server?Yes, you can access commands like /tpa, /kits, and /homes to assist you in your Minecraft journey.
Is there a shopping district on The Honeycomb server?Yes, you can explore Nectar Nook where you can build and run shops to sell your items.
Are there in-game events to participate in?Yes, you can join exciting in-game events and other activities outside of Minecraft.
Can I share my opinions and suggestions at in-game meetings?Yes, you can share your ideas that help shape the server’s future at in-game meetings.
Are there community building projects on the server?Yes, you can organize and participate in community building projects to contribute to the server.
How often does the map reset on The Honeycomb server?The map resets only happen through community votes for peace of mind. The last reset was on 13th July 2024.

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