New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

The Eternal Region

The Eternal Region

New Minecraft Servers

Minecraft Server Overview

No PvPNo GriefingNo Stealing
Community Driven Project

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. When will the server go live?

The server will go live as soon as we have 5-10 members. Please apply through our Discord.

2. What are the rules of the server?

No PvP, No Griefing, No Stealing. The server is a community-driven project with a focus on collaboration and teamwork.

3. What features does the server have?

– Only one player needs to sleep to skip the night. – Proximity voice chat for immersive in-game communication. – Easy concrete conversion using cauldrons. – Double shulker shells from every shulker kill. – No phantoms, kill bats for membranes. – Anti-enderman grief, no stolen blocks. – Grief protection plugin.

4. How can I join the server?

To join the server, apply through our Discord server. You can find the link to our Discord in the overview above.

5. What is the server’s community like?

The server encourages teamwork, creative solutions, and long-term industrialization planning. Nether and End will be disabled initially to conquer together as a community event.

6. When will the server officially launch?

The server will be going live this weekend. An official announcement with the exact launch date will be posted soon.

New Minecraft Server
New Server IP