New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

The Divine MC

The Divine MC

New Minecraft Servers

Welcome to The Divine MC. We are a public server that takes pride in our beautiful builds. We currently offer Survival and Creative experiences to our players. Our server runs on the latest version of Minecraft.

Our Hub is a monument to our server! We did not want to have a small pointless Hub. We wanted something for you all to explore! Our Hub is massive! You can never get bored of looking around it.

We have friendly staff, talkative Admins, and amazing players! We’d love for you to join us.

The owners of the server are Killertom63 (former Mianite wizard and FyreUK General Manager) and Pyrogurl (former FyreUK Projects Manager) who are assisted by MagicSec (Administrator) and Magma49 (General Manager).

Builder’s Credit! The Divine has it’s own private Build Team. This team is made up of some unique builders. The Divine would not be what it is today without them. Special shout out to them!

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