Our server is so crazy that we don’t even talk about normal diseases or illnesses – we only discuss the most outlandish and absurd ones. From the dreaded Chicken Nuggetitis to the rare case of Exploding Block Syndrome, you’ll never run out of bizarre topics to chat about with your fellow players.
But that’s not all – we also have insane events like the annual Creeper Fashion Show, where players dress up their creepers in the most stylish outfits they can find. And don’t even get us started on the legendary Pig Racing Championships, where pigs and their owners compete for the title of fastest swine in the land.
So if you’re looking for a Minecraft SMP that’s unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before, come join us and prepare for a wild ride filled with laughter, chaos, and plenty of shenanigans. Who knows, you might even discover a new disease or two along the way!