Welcome, player! Remnants of Adventure is a new but strong server that focuses on Towny, PvP, and an Dungeon world. Server is busiest around 4-8 PM U.S. Central Time.
Terra is the main world, in which most players live. In this world PvP is allowed but griefing is prohibited. You can break blocks to get into someone’s home and steal from them, but replace everything you break. No hostile mobs spawn in this world. Towny is the main feature of this world. Don’t know what Towny is? http://wiki.minecraft-techworld.com/wiki/Towny
Warshard is the anarchy world, where you may PvP and grief freely. It resets every few months to keep it fresh, and provide players with a constant supply of fresh resources. All mobs spawn here.
Valera is the constantly expanding adventure world. When we say adventure we mean it in the true sense of the word, not the game mode. You cannot break blocks or PvP in Valera, as it is meant for exploring various houses, villages, and caves that contain loot yet tons of mobs. Valera is an eternally dark world. No passive mobs spawn here.
Other features are present to. From being able to see another player’s health, to joining large scale battle maps for fun arena PvP action, this server will keep you entertained.