Bungee Support Our server has full bungee support with 5 different servers connected to it being: Factions, Skykits, Minigames, RPG, and our Hub/Creative server! Everything for the server works off of GUI as well!
Bending We use project korra with our config being updated weekly based off of players feedback on moves. Everyone on the server has the ability to change elements at will between fire, air, water, and earth!
Factions We have a unique factions plugin that goes well beyond the normal factions. In ours it is economy based where you will be able to buy things such as upgrades for your factions, more land, and much more! There are 10 unique jobs to choose from to gain money and move up in baltop ranks. There are also admin shops with dynamic pricing and player shops used through a GUI to keep everyone safe when buying and selling items from anywhere. There is also a bending arena where you can go and fight to the death and 5 unique training arenas one for each element and then one for all elements.
Skykits Our skykits server is one of a kind with maps changing on it every 2-3 months. There are over 60 unique kits to buy and play with. With these kits there are 5 original ones then each original kit will be enhanced depending on the sub element you choose for it! You will also be able to buy in game perks with money received from skykits and there are item drops on the server!
Creative Our Creative server is part of our hub where you can go and build whatever you’d like. Once done you can submit your plot to be judged and either considered for build team or receive money to spend in the server shop to buy things like world edit!