happycraft.apexmc.coHappyCraft – A Better SMP!🔥 | ⚔️ Survival | 🌋 Vanilla | 📐 Griefprevention | ☁️ 1.19 | ⛳️ Economy | 🤸 + More! A friendly community with active staffhappycraft.apexmc.co
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HappyCraft – A Better SMP! | Survival | Vanilla | Griefprevention | 1.19 | | Economy | QOL Enhancements |
A friendly community with active staff
Our goal is to provide a safe environment for all ages and a fun place to play.
We combined the vanilla experience with some quality of life enhancements like:– antigrief from endermen and creepers– experience farms– Ultimate Timber– GriefPrevention and CoreProtect
We have a player shop system where you can buy a region and make your own shop in our marketplace using ChestShop!
We offer custom sensible recipes like:– smelting rotten flesh to leather-– reverse crafting of many items– VanillaTweaks – more trapdoors – more slabs and stairs – double shulker drops
There’s more too, so join and find out!
We do offer donor perks(no pay to play items, sorry…not)– Hats!– Decoration Heads!– Armorstand Editor (combined with the heads perk is super cool!)
There is no better time than now to join.We aim to provide a quality serverCome experience our server today: