1Baked Anarchy is something I’ve been planning for a while, silently in the back of my mind, and recently decided to maybe try it out and see how it goes, I wanted to bring a 2new experience to anarchy with absolute freedom, and I mean ABSOLUTE FREEDOM.
3I’ve played many small servers and helped many small servers and I have ran a few in the past, and while I did all that this idea of an anarchy server was always there in my head.
4I wanted to bring to the table of all anarchy players to provide absolutely NO RULES at all completely free to do absolutely anything you want too type of anarchy server, 5where you can exploit, lag, spam, be toxic, crash, book ban,backdoor, ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING, 6there also was the thought of how I could keep this still enjoyable for others because we don’t want the server to be constantly crashed so I thought that since there will 7be no plugins at all I’ll find the lag machine and release the cords to others for the players to resolve the problem, but I know anarchy players can be a bit lazy, so I might 8greife it myself. (I want everyone to understand that this will be an anarchy server also for the admin so the admin can do what they wants to, obviously admin abuse will 9not be tolerated like greifing spawn, spawning items and creating illegals, but the only exception will be for lag machine greifing anything that hurts the server lag wise, 10admin lag machine greifing will take place if the lag machine doesn’t get greifed by the players after Coord release in a short period of time. Another thing that may occur 11with the power of admin will be to check up on people and to tp around and see builds and other things)
12BUT that’s not the only thing I want to integrate into Baked Anarchy, 13What I will do is set the version to a version with a dupe starting with the earliest dupe ever discovered maybe starting in beta then after a while I’ll update it to a newer 14version with a dupe, DUPES WILL NOT BE ANNOUNCED. This makes it so it’s completely vanilla and a bit challenging trying to research the duplicating exploit via the 15Internet.
16Besides any vanilla anti cheat (anti fly may be disabled) there will be no plugins whatsoever meaning pvp may be a bit …. interesting to say the least.
17And one last thing I made this for entertainment and enjoyment for the anarchy community that may play BakedAnarchy and for me the owner, I just want everyone to remember that it is just a game after all and you should have fun.