We are a survival server. Family-friendly, mature, and only interested in building and having fun. Griefing, stealing, killing animals, etc, won’t be tolerated. We have anti-griefing plugins in place as well as logging to help prevent crass behavior/language and to repair/replace anything that’s been messed with. Come check us out and have fun!
Our server rules are very simple. – No Griefing – Property or Players – No Stealing – If it’s not yours, don’t touch – Use Common Sense – Don’t beg Admin/Mods/Players for stuff – Don’t ask to be op’d
There are no restriction on the size or type of builds, as long as they’re not obscene. Your given basic gear when you log on, and maps, posting of the rules, warp points, and a server mall is available at the spawn area. As long as you aren’t in another players claimed area, you’re free to build anywhere or anything you’d like. Players can mark their territory using any means they choose. Mods are available for questions and advice. There are six player ranks, Coal, Lapis, Gold, Emerald, Obsidian, & Bedrock. Permissions are based on rank. Players are ranked up using a point system. There are 6 categories in which points can be achieved. Materials used, complexity, decor, landscaping, difficulty, & size. Players can earn in-game money by voting for the server once every 24 hrs.
Our server has been pre-paid so there is no worry of it shutting down. Visit us at www.AmicorumCraft.enjin.com for more information.