February 2015. The server started on the 8th directly after the stoppage of the well-known HU-Minecraft ProMC server. The admin team at that time created this server. Unlike ProMC, MineMania allowed for all game types, but in early 2017 it returned to ProMC’s own plugin and plain survival game mode.
Thanks to the plugin created by us, you can play with easy-to-use, clean systems. You can send items to online/offline players. You can sell your bored things at the auction, which online players can bid on.
Because of the huge track, you can settle in a place where the best panorama opens up to your 101×101 area. Maybe you can expand your empire if you play with your friends and defend them together, like a chessboard. For a calm game, mobs and pvp can be turned off, and you can ban all players who are not your friends.
MineMania’s target audience is players who want to play Minecraft in a community, rather than hopping around islands with a wooden sword.
Our IP address: play.minemania.hu Website: http://www.minemania.hu/
Remember, more is better! Come to our Discord server to chat with other players. Join: http://dc.minemania.hu/