Welcome! We are a 1.18.1 Minecraft Freebuild server that aims to not be like a regular 0815 Freebuild server! The ideas for the server project arose during our own many years of gaming experience on other servers. Written down and optimized at the time, we finally put it into practice at the end of 2021. Freebuild.online should be the server where every player feels comfortable and where you can relax after a stressful day and immerse yourself in another world…
TRAVEL THROUGH OUR SURVIVAL WORLD AND DISCOVER AMAZING SECRET PLACES Our only game mode at the moment is Freebuild, which differs from most other servers in its features. For example, you can secure areas that you like so that they cannot be changed by other players. Our entire concept is still based on as much freedom as possible. You can get raw materials through our farm world, which is renewed at regular intervals. This means that raw materials are always available in abundance and you don’t constantly come across mine passages from other players in the construction world. In order to give you players a special and unique gaming experience, we have programmed almost all of the plugins ourselves and are regularly improving and expanding them. With us you don’t have to unlock yourself in any annoying way in order to play. You can immediately jump through the end portal located at the spawn, run over the spawn marker from Bedrock and start building.
SAFETY & ECONOMY To ensure that duplicators do not destroy the fun of others and the future economy, we have our own and very comprehensive duplication protection system. Players who should try to farm with xRay, whether in the Nether or in the overworld, will have a very slim chance due to our own systems. However, if any client modifications make it work, our self-programmed system will quickly take notice. We also have an economy system, which allows you, for example, to buy items from other players for money. If you want to save your money for something big, you can put it in the bank and access it again at any time.
UPDATES Since this is a FreeBuild server, it is important for us to always have the latest Minecraft version running. That is and remains our goal. As soon as Minecraft releases a new version, the server will be updated to the latest version so that players can fully benefit from the new features.
Have we convinced you? Then join the server now!