Of all our game types Factions is our first, in out servers we promise a unique experience for all players and we are always working on our servers. /Vote For Shards! (Server Wide Currency) – Factions +First Unique server on our network and full of surprises, custom cannons, huge explosions, and we start you off with a Base in a Box!
– Creative +Free Creative and full world edit access when you spend your Shards(Vote Rewards) – Prison +Come join our prison server for a more open experience then a packed in prison.(Our Trees are Real) – SkyBlock +Come start you island and expand today! – Elimination +HARDCORE server where the re-spawns happen every Monday and the monsters are uglier than your mother. +Kill the EnderDragon for 10,000 Shards (EXTREMELY HARD) – Minigame(beta) +We custom code our plugins. (Come make a recommendation today!) Teamspeak: TS3.FactionHustlers.com Server Ip: Mc.FactionHustlers.com Website: FactionHustlers.com Come check us out, we have a great community. Come talk to us on our public teamspeak: TS3.FactionHustlers.com