Our server, known as the Leviathan’s thread, is like no other. We’ve got game downloads for Android, iOS, and PC because we believe in inclusivity for all players. Plus, our General Info/FAQ for New Players will have you prepared for anything that comes your way.
But wait, there’s more! Our events are out of this world. From the OLD TALES [2nd Anniversary] celebration to the Full Burst Day weekends, there’s never a dull moment on our server. And don’t even get me started on our upcoming events like Co-op: Land Eater and Solo Raid: Behemoth – they’re going to blow your mind.
And let’s not forget about our special recruits and costume passes. Where else can you recruit Cinderella and Rapunzel while dressing them up in the most fabulous costumes imaginable? Only on our server, that’s for sure.
So what are you waiting for? Join us on the Leviathan’s thread Minecraft server for a gaming experience like no other. And remember, STAYTACTICALEEEEEEEE because on our server, entertainment is the name of the game. See you there!