New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

New Minecraft Servers

Minecraft Server Overview

Server FeaturesSurvival, Events, Shuffled PvP Minigame
Shuffled PvP Minigame Description1v1 PvP duel gamemode where players pick cards with various effects to duel each other, first to 5 points wins.


What is Shuffled PvP?Shuffled is a 1v1 PvP duel gamemode where players pick cards with unique effects to use in battles.
How do you win in Shuffled?The first player to reach 5 points by winning duels with their chosen cards wins the game.
Can I join the server?Yes, you can join the server and participate in survival, events, and the Shuffled PvP minigame.
Is there a Discord server?Yes, you can join the Discord server at

New Minecraft Server
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