New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

New Minecraft Servers

SpudCraft Overview

Trust-Based EconomySimilar to HermitCraft
/spawn CommandEasy way to get back to spawn
Voice Chat ModJust like in HermitCraft
Vanilla ServerEssential datapacks included
Age Requirement15 years old for maturity reasons
CommunityKind, mature, and interactive
Build ProjectsCollaborative projects and events
BlueMapExplore the world online
Custom World GenerationNo mods required, enhanced places to build

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

What is SpudCraft?

SpudCraft is a community brought together by our shared love for Minecraft. We aim to expand and grow into a safe, trusting community.

What do we have to offer?

  • A trust-based diamond economy system similar to HermitCraft
  • An easy way to get back to spawn using the /spawn command
  • A simple voice chat mod, just like in HermitCraft!
  • Purely vanilla, excluding essential datapacks such as anti-enderman griefing, multiplayer sleep, solidifying concrete dust in a cauldron, double shulker shells, player and mob head drops, mini head wandering traders, and an AFK display (visible by pressing Tab).
  • A 15-year-old age requirement for maturity reasons (some exceptions may apply)
  • A kind, mature, and interactive community both in-game and in voice chats
  • Collaborative build projects, fun events, and game nights
  • A BlueMap to explore the world:
  • Custom world generation, no mods required! Enjoy enhanced places to build and overhauled villages.

When did SpudCraft launch its seventh season?

SpudCraft launched its seventh season on July 5th, making it only a month old! We just fought the Ender Dragon on Saturday, so if you’re looking for a semi-new and welcoming community with an active shopping district, we’re the one!

How can I join SpudCraft?

Join the Discord and submit your application:

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