New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

New Minecraft Servers

Welcome to our Minecraft server, where the only thing crazier than our builds are the stories we make up to explain them! Join us for a wild ride filled with political intrigue and social chaos.

Ever wondered what would happen if schizos went around doing mass stabbings but somehow managed to avoid taking out a single politician? Well, on our server, that’s just a typical Tuesday! And don’t even get us started on the rapefugee seccy who got shanked in a Bondi blitz – talk about a plot twist!

But wait, there’s more! Meet our resident homeless male prostitute who forgot to take his meds and ended up being named as the perp in a stabbing spree. His family must be so proud! And remember, everyone is free to protest on our server…unless you’re a straight white male, in which case, sorry buddy, no constitutional right for you!

So grab your ad blockers, ladies, and get ready for a Minecraft experience like no other. Join us for the chaos, stay for the laughs, and remember – anything can happen on our server!

New Minecraft Server
New Server IP