New Minecraft Servers

SphericalMC: Where cubes are so last season! Apply for your VIP circle membership now!

SphericalMC: Where cubes are so last season! Apply for your VIP circle membership now!

🔥 Sphere MC Minecraft Server Overview 🌎

Version Minecraft 1.20.1
Modpack Sphere the Modpack
Difficulty Mild
RAM Recommendation 6GB minimum ❗

What Sets Sphere MC Apart?

Sphere MC offers a modded Minecraft experience with a unique blend of mods focused on gameplay and performance. Dive into a world filled with magic, technology, and exploration!

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FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions

Question Answer
Is the server whitelist-only? Yes, we have a whitelist for our community to ensure a friendly and engaging environment.
What is the modpack inspired by? The modpack was inspired by ‘All the Mods 9’ but has been trimmed down for better gameplay and performance.
What type of experience can I expect on Sphere MC? Players can enjoy an immersive world with modded biomes, magic, technology, and a focus on accessibility and engagement.
What is the server’s uptime guarantee? Sphere MC guarantees 99% uptime with daily restarts for a seamless experience.

New Minecraft Server
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