New Minecraft Servers
Spectre SMP Server Overview
Spectre SMP is a vanilla 1.21 SMP based on the foundation set by Hermitcraft. We aim to provide a collaborative and friendly space for friends to play Minecraft together and for awesome creations to be made!
What do we offer?
  • Spectre SMP offers an established, friendly and symbiotic community to help each other get what we want done! Players are encouraged to hold their events and communal projects, not just staff!
  • We focus on longevity, so you can expect a long-term world that continues to spark motivation in its players. We discourage speedrunning all the best farms and rushing to get every little thing you can; we want players to give back to the world by building beautiful builds and awesome redstone projects!
  • The economy is based on diamonds, which means you can sell your goods and services for that oh-so-lovely blue stuff! All the while, generosity is promoted, so no one holds a monopoly over anything important!
  • A fresh ‘season’ and 1.21 world with lots of potential!
We are looking for:
  • builders and redstoners who want to show off their skills and help make the server a fun environment. PVP and brainless grinding is not what we want.
  • players who interact often and well with other members.
  • creative and dedicated minds who set large and impressive goals for the long term.
  • active community members who will regularly set aside time to chat and discuss projects for the server.
Server specifications and mods:
  • Fabric 1.21 and hosted in Europe
  • Lots of performance mods
  • Minor recipe changes for easier large-scale building
  • Faster minecarts
  • Simple Voice Chat
  • Image2Map
  • FSit (sit on stairs, slabs, etc.)
Apply to join:
Discord Server
Q: Can I join if I am new to Minecraft? A: Yes, we welcome players of all experience levels, but we do expect a level of dedication and willingness to learn.

Q: Are there any age restrictions to join the server? A: We do not have any strict age restrictions, but we do expect all players to act maturely and follow the server rules.

Q: Is griefing allowed on the server? A: No, griefing is strictly prohibited and will result in immediate banning from the server.

Q: How often is the server reset or wiped? A: We aim for long-term worlds, but seasonal resets may occur depending on the player activity and server performance.

New Minecraft Server
New Server IP – Click to COPY