New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

New Minecraft Servers

Season 5 Overview

LocationAZ, US


Are there any mods required to play on the server?No, there are no requirements for you to install any mods to play in our server.
What plugins are available on the server?We have various plugins such as Drop Heads, Coreprotect, Axgraves, Simple VoiceChat, Armor Stand Tools, and more.
Are there any restrictions on language usage on the server?The language on the server can be undermoderated on purpose, so players should be prepared for unfiltered conversations.
How can I join the server?To join the server, please join the discord and fill out an application. Make sure to familiarize yourself with the rules and put effort into your application.
Is Solarion SMP suitable for all audiences?This server is intended for a mature audience. If you are easily offended by differing opinions or conversations that challenge your views, it might not be the right fit for you.

New Minecraft Server
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