New Minecraft Servers

Smart Cookies SMP Overview

Dynmap: live map of the world with the option to /hide
Stackable items
Extensive story to keep you entertained
Custom generated terrain

We hope to see you around as we venture into this new world. Whether it be through builds, pvp, storytelling, or anything of the like, we would love to see you join us!

If you’re interested in joining, here’s our discord:


Question Answer
How can I join the Smart Cookies SMP? To join, please click the discord link provided and follow the instructions in the server.
Are there any rules I need to follow? Yes, we have a set of rules in place to ensure a fun and fair gameplay experience for all members. These rules are outlined in the discord server.
Can I form my own guild or join an existing one? Absolutely! You are free to either form your own guild or join one that already exists within the Smart Cookies SMP community.
Is PvP allowed on the server? Yes, PvP is allowed within certain areas designated for combat. Please refer to the rules for more information on PvP guidelines.

New Minecraft Server
New Server IP – Click to COPY