New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

New Minecraft Servers



SkyNectar aims to bring you a top-notch and polished Minecraft vanilla+ experience. Ripe with things to do and daily content, SkyNectar is prepared to be your new home and provide you with countless hours of experiences and fun!

The aim is to be the best RPG skyblock server that there is.

Every stop has been pulled out for this server, in an attempt to provide you with the fullest Minecraft experience possible. Here is a non-exhaustive list of features on the server:

Full discord integration
Integration with personal website

Early Adopters

I have really high hopes for the server. I’ve gone through great lengths to ensure the server economy remains balanced, and that there is plenty to do for all types of players. I truly hope that some people still enjoy vanilla+ and are willing to help jumpstart the potential of this awesome server! I am completely open to suggestions and willing to implement them.

For the first 10 or so people who join I will give them MVP rank – which is mostly decorative for now until I get some better ideas what to do with it. Everything in the server is obtainable without rank and will always remain that way.

Server Links

  • I have created a wiki-site for the server which details on server mechanics and how to play. Check it out here
  • You can view leaderboard stats live on my website here
  • View a list of all players and their stats here
  • You’ll have to be part of my Discord Community to be able to complete the verification process in order to join the server for the first time. This is required to enable the integrations between the server, the discord, and the website.

New Minecraft Server
New Server IP