New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

New Minecraft Servers

Silvermoon Modded Server

Silvermoon Modded Server Overview

Server TypeModded Fabric Server
Current Players2-3 players
Target Community Size5-10 players
Version1.20.1 with Fabric Loader 0.15.7

To download the mods, please join our discord:

List of Some Notable Mods:

  • Fabric Seasons
  • Terralith
  • Amplified Nether
  • Better End
  • Friends & Foes
  • Better Village
  • Formations Nether
  • Hearts
  • Simply Houses
  • AdventureZ
  • Graveyard
  • End Remastered
  • Lootr
  • Tiered
  • Quality of Life Mods: Xaero’s Minimap, Connected Glass, Carry On, Another Furniture, Better Third Person, Elytra Slot, Enchantments Description, Immersive Portals, Advancements Mods
  • Land Claim


How do I join the server?You can join the server by downloading the mods from our discord and connecting to the server IP.
Is the server modded?Yes, it is a modded fabric server with various mods for a unique gameplay experience.
What is the target community size?We aim to have around 5-10 active players on the server to build a friendly community.
Are there any specific rules on the server?Yes, we have server rules posted on our discord for all players to adhere to.
Can I suggest new mods for the server?Yes, we welcome suggestions for new mods that can enhance the server experience. Please share them on discord.

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