New Minecraft Servers
xnestorio centipede Minecraft Servers

xnestorio centipede

  • What is the IP for xNestorio Minecraft Server?

    What is the IP for xNestorio Minecraft Server?

    New Minecraft ServersxNestorio, also known as Nestor, is a popular Minecraft YouTuber and Twitch streamer known for his PvP skills and competitive gameplay. He has gained a large following for his high-energy content and entertaining personality. Nestor is well-respected within the Minecraft community and has competed in various PvP tournaments. Fans appreciate his dedication to the game and his ability to entertain and engage with his audience.

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP

  • Cinnamon MC

    Cinnamon MC

    New Minecraft Servers

    This Server has Survival game mode with costom crates, free in game buyable ranks, and also cool features. Server not open yet Estimate release date: 24/11/2021. Harcore server comming soon with grief allowed.

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP

  • Murderrip


    New Minecraft Servers

    Bringing a fun time and an enjoyable experience to the Lifesteal gamemode. Java and Bedrock compatible! Frequent updates and changes!

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP

  • GregTech – hardcore techno mods Minecraft server

    GregTech – hardcore techno mods Minecraft server

    New Minecraft Servers

    – play even from the phone! Launcher with mods for Android and PC!– MORE THAN 20 OWN ADDONS– Create CLANS and conduct clan wars– Mini games with mods on each server – weapons, bosses– Character menu on the F4 button in the video phone: Block store, Market for trading, Cases, Whales, Warps and businesses– Character customization and decoration: Set a unique hairstyle, beard, hat, glasses, bracelet, watch– Your own mod for 200 3D decorations– Your own techno mod for 50 mechanisms and 100 types of armor, weapons and tools – Energy Addition– Unique chat – make it a convenient size, move the chat across the screen, Emoji, stickers, two types of chat style– YOUR JOB / warp job – earn in-game currency – Mining farm and crypto exchange – /crypto – earn game currency – Mod for your bosses, menu with bosses

    More than 10 different branches and builds of modified servers. Choose a server to suit your taste.

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP

  • Cirque de Murphy

    Cirque de Murphy

    New Minecraft Servers

    Better Minecraft 1.17 Survival Server. Explore, Build, Survive. Learn the Story of the Lands and watch the Kingdom grow. You will Need the Better Minecraft Forge Modpack to play

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP


    New Minecraft Servers is the heroptix server. The main game mode is kitpvp. Grab a kit, jump into the arena, fight your enemies and become the best player on the server.

    There will also be many events, transcribed into videos on the heroptix channel.

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP

  • Celestial


    New Minecraft Servers

    100% Brazilian survival server that accepts 1.12.x up to 1.18.x.

    Our server has the slimefun system, clans, events, PvP from 1.8, etc.




    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP

  • Pop Anarchy

    Pop Anarchy

    New Minecraft Servers

    Pop Anarchy is a brand new anarchy server where it is impossible to get banned.

    Feel free to create groups, dupe items, PVP, and grief bases.

    Pop Anarchy allows for an Authentic survival experience, just with the possibility of losing everything at any time, this means you must hide your valuables and set up defenses for the things you value.

    The world is restricted to only 5k in every direction, allowing for a much more interesting and active playstyle, even with a smaller player base.

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP



    New Minecraft Servers

    Looking for a fun Minecraft server! Well look no further! BITPIXLS is a family friendly server! You are always welcome to visit us!

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP

  • Anarchy1.19


    New Minecraft Servers

    We are here to offer you a brand new high spec Minecraft 1.19 anarchy server: AnarchyMV! We have no rules, you can use any client you wish to connect to the server and there are “NO BANS”! You are on you’re own with this one. You are welcome to join and use any method’s you see fit to enjoy yourself!

    Server Specs:

    – 150GB RAM


    – 1GBPS Fibre Uplink


    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP

  • PROGKIDS server Minecraft

    PROGKIDS server Minecraft

    New Minecraft Servers

    The owner of the “PROGKIDS” server has not yet added a description. This Minecraft server is very different from other servers, but not like the others.

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP