Lorendor: Prime is currently an untouched medieval paradise. A world of rich resources and spectacular terrain that allows players to enrich the world in builds and bring the world to life through storytelling and roleplay. Found a nation, discuss diplomacy, form powerful alliances, fight in wars defending your homeland, or conquering new realms. Everything in this world is primarily player-driven with a strong staff presence. The economy and the lore are player-driven and how it impacts the world is completely up to the players! This is the players world, this is Lorendor.
We are a roleplay server, centered around the idea that every player interaction must be made in character. Any decisions formed around your nation, your religion, your character, and the world as a whole, must be done based on how it would make sense in roleplay. Create diplomacy, fight wars, rule a nation, become a merchant, all will be possible through roleplay, and more. With this, we understand not all are experienced, hence why penalties for FailRP will be virtually inexistant, however we will still push for good roleplay interactions and for story-telling between nations, and characters.
On Lorendor: Prime, we give the opportunity of creating immersive and story-telling settlements to the players. Whether it’s a small fishing village, or the capital city of an empire spanning thousands of blocks, we provide you the opportunity to not just build, but gain bonuses for your work.Claim Power (CP) is how many chunks you are able to claim for your settlements. A player starts the server with 5 CP and have a maximum of 20 CP they can acquire. This translates to 20 chunks per player.Development System: We have designed a development system engineered to provide nations with benefits for building up their settlements, and providing story-telling opportunities for the world of Lorendor!