valorant konpeki Minecraft Servers

valorant konpeki Minecraft Servers

  • The Labyrinth of Sordrin

    The Labyrinth of Sordrin
    Players: 100/400 Votes: 2876
    Rating: 4.2 / 5
    Doomsday Clocks Constructed: 1 Reality Distortions Fixed: 1
    Underground Cities Explored: 1 Zombie Dances: 1
    Haunted Mirrors Gazed Into: 2 Interdimensional Bake Sales Hosted: 3
    Unholy Beasts Tamed: 2 Spontaneous Duels Fought: 11
    Time-Traveling Monkeys Met: 3 Glitched Entities Encountered: 3
    Void Gems Collected: 37 Magic Items Found: 4325
    Epic Bosses Defeated: 1 Horror Stories Survived: 2

    New Minecraft Servers

    The Labyrinth of Sordrin is a colossal 3,100 x 3,100 maze filled with traps, puzzles, challenges, villages to plunder, hidden rooms and landmarks to discover and explore. It is filled with custom monsters, npc’s and hoards of treasure to discover and loot!

    If you are looking for a challenge, you have found it!

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  • i-Cool Server

    i-Cool Server
    Players: 110/700 Votes: 380
    Rating: 4.4 / 5
    Ethereal Couriers Hired: 1 Shadow Figures Spotted: 10
    Orbs of Power Found: 10 Endless Mazes Solved: 2
    Dragon Eggs Hatched: 2 Heroic Deeds Celebrated: 7
    Goblin Armies Outwitted: 7 Haunted Chests Opened: 10
    Immortal Potions Brewed: 14 Inverted Worlds Discovered: 0
    Disappearing Landscapes Witnessed: 2 Hidden Passages Discovered: 7
    Spells Gone Horribly Wrong: 6 Reality-Bending Puzzles Solved: 0

    New Minecraft Servers

    A Hong Kong Minecraft Server.

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  • RadialCraft

    Players: 101/500 Votes: 9908
    Rating: 4.3 / 5
    Void Armor Forged: 28 Meteorites Collected: 1
    Epic Shields Constructed: 33 Warrior Spirits Summoned: 39
    Enchanted Weapons Reforged: 8 Immortal Potions Brewed: 7
    Living Shadows Defeated: 4 Haunted Forests Traversed: 2
    Darkness Engulfments Escaped: 4 Farms Harvested: 201
    Elemental Temples Cleansed: 4 Talking Trees Consulted: 1
    Sentient Weapons Trained: 6 Time Loop Anomalies Resolved: 0

    New Minecraft Servers

    RadialCraft is a Creative based server. Other then creative worlds we have got our survival world and minigames:

    – Prophunt SurvivalGames TNTRun Spleef History of the server: 3 years ago, A server formed called grabcraft. It’s still running, but it’s dead. Back in the day that server was lead by Niklon and Durrant. They both been throught a lot and that ended up bad. Around a year ago Niklon took over that server and banned durrant from it. According to that he decided to make his own server, called RadialCraft. The server been through a lot, from a person called surgetheurge who decided to dump our whole ftp into the toilet, and other things such as ddoss attacks or the LOLJesusDied Object.

    After all this hassle, we managed to get a suitable and stable management over the server of what it is right now. We exist over a year and we are proud! Connect/server details: ip: Website: Forums:

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  • AcidIsland

    Players: 108/300 Votes: 7269
    Rating: 4.4 / 5
    Hidden Sanctuaries Discovered: 1 Parallel Universes Unraveled: 0
    Endless Mazes Conquered: 2 Dark Rituals Completed: 6
    Mineshafts Explored: 1 Quantum Bards Serenaded: 1
    Magical Ponies Rescued: 8 Unseen Monsters Slain: 8
    Reality-Warping Charms Crafted: 5 Ancient Dragons Awakened: 1
    Celestial Crowns Worn: 5 Forbidden Tomes Read: 2
    Royal Courts Attended: 0 Undead Armies Raised: 1

    New Minecraft Servers

    New game! AcidIsland!

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  • TechnoBuffalo Minecraft Server

    TechnoBuffalo Minecraft Server
    Players: 96/300 Votes: 9561
    Rating: 4.2 / 5
    Unsolvable Puzzles Solved: 2 Astral Projections Made: 3
    Enchanted Tomes Discovered: 198 Moonlit Rituals Performed: 7
    Hidden Passages Discovered: 7 Reality Distortions Fixed: 1
    Dimensional Collapse Prevented: 0 Crystal Wands Charged: 19
    Eldritch Scrolls Read: 4 Alternate Realities Explored: 5
    Chimeras Created: 4 Tesseract Cubes Discovered: 4
    Inverted Worlds Discovered: 1 Enchantments Applied: 80

    New Minecraft Servers

    For nearly 3 years now, the technology news and review giant TechnoBuffalo has sponsored its own Minecraft multiplayer server. Over that time, much has changed with the updates released from Mojang, and we have once again changed with the times.

    We are proud to share with the entirety of the Minecraft community that we are now functioning as a Hub server in which we offer: Survival, Creative, Arcade, and much more!

    TechnoBuffalo is a friendly community, and would love to have you join our server and be a part of the Buffalo herd!

    We hope to see you soon!

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    Players: 94/900 Votes: 519
    Rating: 4.9 / 5
    Underground Cities Explored: 1 Treasure Maps Found: 14
    Reality Distortions Fixed: 3 Lost Souls Rescued: 4
    Cursed Gauntlets Discovered: 4 Eldritch Beasts Summoned: 2
    Ethereal Couriers Hired: 5 Demonic Pacts Formed: 1
    Cursed Artifacts Recovered: 7 Forbidden Grimoires Read: 6
    Invisible Walls Found: 4 Haunted Forests Traversed: 5
    Legendary Scepters Created: 4 Cursed Diamonds Mined: 6

    New Minecraft Servers


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  • The Epics MiniGames

    The Epics MiniGames
    Players: 101/600 Votes: 1922
    Rating: 4.7 / 5
    Nether Portals Gone Wrong: 4 Alien Abductions: 3
    Infinite Knowledge Scrolls Discovered: 1 Holy Grails Found: 3
    Warrior Spirits Summoned: 30 Farms Harvested: 646
    Chaos Emeralds Discovered: 5 Mythical Beasts Vanquished: 2
    Secret Guilds Joined: 4 Endless Night Skies: 3
    Elemental Temples Cleansed: 1 Heavenly Choirs Heard: 3
    Legendary Items Repaired: 7 Eldritch Medallions Worn: 11

    New Minecraft Servers

    A server with some minigames. More minigames will be added soon! Minigames: SURVIVAL-GAMES, SPLEEF, INFECTION, PRISON, AND SURVIVAL!

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  • MasonCraft

    Players: 95/1000 Votes: 5391
    Rating: 4.2 / 5
    Volcanoes Explored: 3 Cosmic Hamsters Found: 3
    Zombie Dances: 10 Enchanted Forests Planted: 3
    Epic Mounts Acquired: 8 Reality-Warping Charms Crafted: 1
    Soul Swords Wielded: 5 Celestial Crowns Worn: 1
    Crystal Caves Mapped: 4 Haunted Strongholds Conquered: 2
    Unholy Rituals Interrupted: 1 Eldritch Medallions Worn: 12
    Divine Scrolls Written: 14 Reality-Bending Puzzles Solved: 3

    New Minecraft Servers

    Hi guys My name is Predmarine The server Owner. This server is new. Just launched out to the public today. We currently have it set to 120 slots but will upgrade if needed. We also have a website Join there for updates on the server and to donate ect. We are a PVP/Raid serve. We dont have factions plugin up yet but will so in the future. We have amazing staff. Nicest people you could meet.

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  • GhastLegion

    Players: 93/100 Votes: 4512
    Rating: 4.4 / 5
    Elemental Crystals Collected: 22 Tesseract Cubes Discovered: 1
    Titanic Battles Fought: 18 Haunted Mirrors Gazed Into: 1
    Nightmare Scenarios Survived: 2 Eternal Flames Captured: 6
    Chaos Orbs Controlled: 12 Ethereal Dreams Experienced: 6
    Magical Carpet Rides Taken: 5 Eerie Music Discs Played: 6
    Necronomicon Pages Collected: 6 Legendary Items Repaired: 5
    Corrupted Trees Chopped: 5 Ghostly Villagers Traded With: 1

    New Minecraft Servers

    * GhastLegion *

    GhastLegion is a unique factions server with a great community, awesome PvP and a great community. Our server is up to date and gives every saturday at 21:00 (UTC/GMT +2 hours). There are also regularly held events.

    We hope to see you on our server!

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  • Pieties Server

    Pieties Server
    Players: 94/400 Votes: 5433
    Rating: 5.0 / 5
    Phantom Horses Ridden: 3 Ancient Guardians Awoken: 2
    Enchanted Tomes Discovered: 198 Royal Decrees Issued: 5
    Crops Grown: 8962 Unicorn Parades Witnessed: 3
    Eclipse Rings Activated: 1 Celestial Crowns Worn: 4
    Darkness Engulfments Escaped: 3 Enchanted Armories Found: 8
    Cursed Lands Purified: 10 Astral Amulets Crafted: 27
    Forbidden Grimoires Read: 6 Epic Battles Fought: 6

    New Minecraft Servers

    Rules: No griefing No hacking (flying,teleporting,speed,x-ray,etc.) No begging to become mod/admin Be respectful to other players and property Have fun!

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