Hello there! Atlas Tacticom is one of the newer servers around. It was created by me, Papa_Seba and some of my friends over at discord which double as admins. The staff itself is relatively lively, but everyone has their irl lives so remember that . We’ve done our best to make it so that all players have a both fun and equal playing experience, with many useful plugins like Grief Prevention and RankUp! The server is constantly updated and fixed, so that no bugs or permission problems may haunt the server’s players! Join our discord by clicking this link! About the server
We came up with the idea of a minecraft server when one of my friends noticed how empty the server is, despite having 80 people in it. Yup, that’s the whole backstory! In any case, we love playing minecraft so we wanted to start a server of our own. We worked very hard on it in hopes of making it as user friendly and as enjoyable as possible. Of course, since this is a new server issues are granted to pop up, but as I said before the server is constantly fixed and updated so that no permission problems or bugs last more than 10 minutes at max! The server itself is very fleshed out, having worked for over a week on it with my friends to provide the best playing experience around! At the moment the only worlds we have are SkyBlock and Survival, with a linked economy so you can progress in one world and buy stuff from and use it in the other! We want to create a minecraft community with you, the player, at the center of it!
There are no greedy admins that go around telling people how great they are, instead each admin of the server cares about the players and helps them at any point that they can. Of course this being a new server, rewards for new people are guaranteed! Maybe even a helper rank if you prove to be kind . In any case, we take our roles very seriously and want to create the best possible minecraft experience so you and your friends can enjoy the server’s features at their fullest! To us your pleasure will always be the top priority on the server, as long as the pleasure comes from playing the game and enjoying yourself in a bug-free server and not hacking or bugging the admins to give you free stuff.