New Minecraft Servers
trance blind test Minecraft Servers

trance blind test

  • Davidscloud Servers

    Davidscloud Servers

    New Minecraft Servers

    About Davidscloud: Davidscloud is a long-standing gaming community that believes in creating a place for all gamers to get together and enjoy playing various games together without worry of pay-to-win spoiling the enjoyment. Our community is friendly and works together to achieve a place everyone can find something to enjoy. Our Minecraft server, specifically, has been around since 1.7.10 and plans on staying around for a long time to come.

    Player Protection: Our Minecraft server has variety of features for our members to enjoy. Key to keeping your experience enjoyable is our grief prevention system and friendly admin team. Players start off with 2,000 blocks they can claim, and accrue 120 every hour of playtime. These claims cannot be destroyed or built upon by anyone other than the Owner of the claim, or Trusted players. Plus your pets are also protected in the same fashion! If for some reason there’s ever a problem, our Admin team will investigate and assist whenever necessary.

    Quality-of-Life: With us focusing on your security, you can focus on enjoying the features on our server that add to your survival chances should you choose to use them, completely free without pay-to-win! Such as our banking system that gives interest for every hour you play. This lets you save up some cash to spend at the Market set up at the Survival Spawn, where our new Merchants offer a small variety of goods, like fish, potions, wood, and other miscellaneous goodies you might be looking for.

    Multiple Worlds: Bit bored traveling over the same old Minecraft landscape? Our server isn’t just the one traditional Survival world, it’s actually linked to another realm giving you more to explore! Find Zedmun at the Survival Spawn for the opportunity to be transported to our new Amplified World! Added in 1.18, it has all of the new caves and cliffs you could want with the added craziness of being amplified. Additionally, we’re working on adding an Event World and a Creative Plot World that would be accessed via our Hub so you will have even more places to enjoy. We would love to see you here when they launch!

    Another Tidbit: Curious why Java and Bedrock were in the same title? Simple, that’s because our server now allows cross-play between the Bedrock and Java versions! Anyone can play on our servers regardless of if they play on console or PC, provided they have a paid Java account of course. That means you get to play with friends you might not of been able to before due to platform restrictions! Plus, with more people able to play on our servers the more fun can be had by all as our community grows. So we are looking forward to seeing you and your friends join us at Davidscloud!

    Got questions? Join our Discord to learn whatever you might like to know about our Minecraft servers such as commands, admin support, community rules, and more.​

    Vanilla (Latest Version) IP: Bedrock Crossplay Port: 19132.

    For connection tutorial, visit:

    New Minecraft Server
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  • xapros junior high

    xapros junior high

    New Minecraft Servers

    Some info:

    – Our server has some of the new 1.21 blocks enabled, the tuff blocks, copper blocks & crafter! (we’re waiting for 1.21 to update everything else)

    – We have holiday themed events every few months filled with minigames and collectable items!

    – We’re whitelist only so no dealing with random rogue players 🙂

    – We have 5-15 different players who log on daily

    – We always have many new people, so no matter the age of our world, you’ll never be behind!

    – Zero lag and 24/7 uptime

    – We’re a no reset server so your base will always be saved no matter how inactive you are

    – No land claims, tps or any immersion breaking mods that take you out of the vanilla feeling

    – Strict rules against stealing/hacking/griefing!

    – Some of our builds:

    Join the discord to apply!

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Heese SMP

    Heese SMP

    New Minecraft Servers

    Heese Survival Minecraft Server Are you ready to embark on the ultimate Minecraft adventure? Look no further than Heese Survival, where every block you break and every step you take leads to epic experiences! No map resets! Q: What features does Heese SMP have? We have some plugins/features that enchance player’s experience such as: • Ability to save home and teleport to it • Ability to mine mob spawners and use them to make farms • No Grief Policy – The server does not use protection plugins, and in case that you have been griefed, report it to us with /griefreport • Player’s and Mob’s Heads drop on death • Create Shops using the TradeShop plugin • Dynmap Plugin • And more! Feel free to ask a staff member about anything you don’t understand IP Address (Java): IP Address and Port(Bedrock): 8094 Version: 1.20.1+ Website:



    Join Heese Survival today and start your epic journey in the world of Minecraft!

    New Minecraft Server
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  • EmeraldSkies


    New Minecraft Servers

    Welcome to Emerald Skies! We are a friendly, English only speaking community. We run a 1.20.4 java/bedrock server so we can include everyone! We are a survival server but with a bit of added flair:

    GriefPrevention – Claim your land to stop griefers from attacking. The more you play, the more claimblocks you will accrue!

    PlayerWarps – for a small in-game fee, create your own warp and allow others to see your shop/builds easily!

    Shops – Want to sell your cobblestone to the masses? Warp to Market and rent a plot there, create a shop and sell/trade/buy anything you want.

    Marriage – You can marry that special someone and get added bonuses shared between you including shared xp.

    Duels – Want to arrange a fair fight with someone where you can even bet money/items? Well duels will let you do that! With 5 different arenas, you’ll never get bored!

    We have FREE ranks you can earn just by playing, we also have paid ranks for people who want to donate to the server but everything you get with paid ranks, you can get with the free ranks in time! You could even win a paid rank for free in the crates at spawn!

    There is even more for you to discover, just follow the link to the community discord and request to be added to the whitelist. Discord link:

    We look forward to meeting you and for you to help build this community!

    New Minecraft Server
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  • The Grotto

    The Grotto

    New Minecraft Servers

    The Grotto 🗻

    Connect with / Join our Discord

    The Grotto is a Survival PvE server focused on creating an amazing gameplay experience for our community members.

    Travel from border-to-border across our expansive survival world..

    Equip yourself with custom-enchanted gear and battle dungeon bosses in our hand-built dungeons..

    Form towns and nations with the lands claim system..

    With our variety of gameplay-related features and improvements, no one play-style is expected or required, play how you want to play.

    Feature Previews 🍿

    Some of our features include:

    • 🚀 Player Levelling System

    • ✨ Custom Enchantments

    • 📯 Daily Quests

    • 🗾 New Crafting Recipes

    • 🧟 Modified Monster Spawning

    • 🗼 Beacon Effects

    • ⚔️ Boss Dungeons

    • 🪓 Regenerating Resource Mines

    • 🦘 Parkour & Chat Minigames

    Things We Don’t Have

    Don’t waste your time joining a server if it doesn’t have a specific feature you want! Some of the features we do not offer are..

    • McMMO

    • Towny

    • Raiding

    • Factions

    New Minecraft Server
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  • EndyCraft


    New Minecraft Servers


    The first person to comment on this post will receive the top rank COMPLETLY FREE

    We are hosting a KOTH event next week with REAL MONEY PRIZE

    Server IP:


    Endycraft is a Lifesteal SMP with a host of features such as:

    – Custom enhanced terrain and structures

    – Custom game changing enchantments

    – Custom fun items

    – Non p2w Crates

    And many more bits and bobs

    We are growing in numbers and trying to get as many people online as POSSIBLE so now is the perfect time to join


    As we are new we are actively looking for staff who are friendly and professional, if you are interested you can apply on the discord

    New Minecraft Server
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  • KidlessCraft


    New Minecraft Servers

    KidlessCraft was founded in 2016 as a place for staff members of other servers to find a relaxing spot away from kids, and has since grown into a group of passionate staff members who want to create the best experience possible for other adults like ourselves.

    Recently in 2023 we have acquired our own server rack and are slowly growing out our community to games we love. We’d love for you to join us and help make our world even more unique!

    We have an easy whitelist process to get started via discord, just click the link and use the pin icon in #whitelist-requests to find the format.

    Server IP:

    Server Website:

    Server Location: Central US

    Game Play Type: SMP / Survival / Hard Difficulty

    Version: 1.20.4 PaperMC w/ GeyserMC (Bedrock players can join us as well!)

    Core Server Rules

    -Be Respectful

    -Be Ethical

    -Use Common Sense

    Features List:

    Multiverse with worlds for: Creative mode, Adventure mode, Space builds, Pixel art builds, Minigame builds / game nights, Resource world.

    Plugins include: AutomatedCrafting, BlueMap, ChatItem, Chests++, Citizens, CleanroomGenerator, CoreProtect, CraftBook, DiscordSRV, EssentialsX, Floodgate and MCGeyser, GriefPrevention, Gsit, HoverStats, McMMO, Multiverse, OpenAudioMC, Quests, Shopkeepers, SpectralDamage, Vehicles and Veinminer.

    Datapacks include: Anti Enderman Grief, Armor Statues, Armored Elytra, Cauldron Concrete, Coordinates HUD, Custom Villager Shops, Double Shulker Shells, Dragon Drops, More Mob Heads, Multiplayer Sleep, Nullscape, Terralith, Timber, Trimmable Tools, Universal Dyeing, Unlock All Recipes, Wandering Trades and XP Management.

    New Minecraft Server
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  • FunnySMP


    New Minecraft Servers

    Hey! 5 days ago, I decided to open season 2 of my server after the success of the first 1.19 season. This server is entirely vanilla and has one of the best communities!

    It’s the perfect time if you want to join us! Just join my discord and I’ll be happy to whitelist you 😉

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Republic of Avea

    Republic of Avea

    New Minecraft Servers

    Republic of Avea – Java Minecraft Server

    Server IP:

    Discord invite:

    About Us:

    We are a new Minecraft server, showcasing the fictional city and world of Avea. The city originated 6 years ago on a survival world and now has its own dedicated server for the public to see and explore. Players can explore the world and even settle with a land claim courtesy of the WorldGuard plugin. Mythical creatures populate certain areas as part of the Royal Armada, players can gear up and collect Royal Gems, the primary currency, upgrade gear and weapons and take out the various mythical bosses at the player built mob arenas! The main builds on the server include Ario City (the capital of Avea), Barracks, Wonka’s factory (spawn) and more! Plugins included are there to enhance the experience, we have WorldGuard, Economy, Mythic Mobs, Shopkeepers, Dynamic map and others!


    Avea boasts many naval airships, the in-house design having been improved for the past 6 years! You can even request for one these to be copied for your own base and enjoyment!


    Our server is hosted on a dedicated hosting service. Processor is an AMD Epyc 7351P 2.9ghz, Anti DDOS L3/L4, dedicated IP, NVME, plenty of RAM. Up to 50 players at once.

    The earlier you join the better! We are expanding and evolving, adding to the server on a daily basis!

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Spectre SMP

    Spectre SMP

    New Minecraft Servers

    Spectre SMP is a vanilla 1.20.4 SMP based on the foundation set by Hermitcraft. We aim to provide a collaborative and friendly space for friends to play Minecraft together and for awesome creations to be made! Begone, playing singleplayer in multiplayer survival servers! Begone, being the only person making a beautiful megabase! ✨

    What do we offer?

    • Spectre SMP offers a friendly and symbiotic community to help each other get what we want done! Players are encouraged to hold their events and communal projects, not just staff! 🫂
    • We focus on longevity, so you can expect a long-term world that continues to spark motivation in its players. We discourage speedrunning all the best farms and rushing to get every little thing you can; we want players to give back to the world by building beautiful builds and awesome redstone projects! 🏰
    • The economy is based on diamonds, which means you can sell your goods and services for that oh-so-lovely blue stuff! All the while, generosity is promoted, so no one holds a monopoly over anything important! 💎
    • The server comes with the wonderful Dungeons & Taverns structure datapack, as well as many Vanilla Tweaks datapacks installed to liven up the game and keep it from going too stale. ⚔️

    We are looking for:

    • builders and redstoners who want to show off their skills and help make the server a fun environment. PVP and brainless grinding is not what we want.
    • players who interact often and well with other members.
    • creative and dedicated minds who set large and impressive goals for the long term.
    • active community members who will regularly set time to chat and discuss projects for the server.

    If you’re interested in joining, hop into our Discord server. You can send us an application there.

    New Minecraft Server
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