Residental smp
Server IP:
iSkyify >> SkyBlock >> Creative >> Arcade >> Parkour
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Live2Craft SMP
LIVE2CRAFT SMP is a HARDCORE Minecraft Server and SMP that allows Bedrock & Java | Extremely Active Community for a Minecraft Hardcore SMP Server where if you die, you get ban…
Ftb direwolf20 1.7.10 by craftersland
░░░░░░ Website | Forum | DonationShop ░░░░░░✔ Server address:
Server Info: > Town land protection system (MyTown 2 Mod). > Multiple chat channels. > Economy – Server Shops, Market and Auctions. > Maps on RAM drive for faster chunk load. > Daily Backups. > Random Spawn. > Daily and Vote Rewards. > Clans and PvP. > Server Live map. > Few items banned (List here) > Hosted in Data Center in Germany. > Dedicated Server Online 24/7. We run multiple servers, for details visit our website. All our servers are hosted on dedicated servers in data centers and they are online 24/7.
Green Emeralds
Welcome to Green Emeralds!
Formerly known as Ultimate Universe!
We have rebranded our server to give a fresh start! This is our first ad since our reboot. Right now we only have a Survival world and a Creative world, because we want to add what YOU want on the server. So come on and let’s start a brand new community, hand in hand making Minecraft a better place. Come join the Gemz by becoming a gem. See you there!
“Live, laugh, love, MINECRAFT!”
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Zephyreum towny
Zephyreum is a Towny Survival server with plenty of awesome features and many planned updates in the works. We aim to bring you the best experience and gameplay on Minecraft possible. Gathering a friendly community is our main goal so what are you waiting for? Come play!
Artic Worlds
LOOKING FOR STAFF!!! This is a “still in development server” and is currently underway of being finished. Plugins, kits, ranks, donations, pets etc. We’ve got them all! Message me on discord or join the server for more information.
Discord: ItsAFork #7712
Templar Server
Small survival server with basic plugins and factions. Ranks are available, anyone is welcome, it is a PvE only, no PVP
Havoc games – tmd
In this Minecraft rendition of AMC’s The Walking Dead fight off walkers with guns and melees, and team up with other players. Choose from over 30 unique kits and enter our brand new 5,000 by 5,000 map. Can you survive the zombie apocalypse? Come join today!
We support all game versions (1.8+) and now Bedrock Edition!
IP –
Website –
Discord –