Welcome to The Paradigm Legends SMP page!
We are a Hermitcraft-style server looking to recruit new active members. The server is run on Fabric with the same mods and datapacks that Hermitcraft uses.There is also Disocrd chat integration as well. The server is set on hard to offer a bit of a challenge. Discord chat integration is aslo installed. We do allow client-side mods to an extent. The main ones that most people use are Fabric based, such as Tweakeroo, Litematica, etc. If you have a question about what client-side mods are allowed don’t hesitate to ask. We are a tight knit group of friends looking to make that group a little bit bigger. Also, this is an all ages server so please be aware that chat should be kept to PG/PG-13.
This is a whitelisted server so there will be some screening questions that will be asked of you before you are admitted. The list of questions are as follows:
1. Minecraft name and real name(first name only)2. Age3. How would you describe your personality?4. Why do you want to join our server?5. How long have you been playing Minecraft?6. Are you an aesthetic builder or a redstoner? Or both?7. Who is your favorite Hermit and why?8. What is your favorite episode of Hermitcraft?9. Describe your experience on public Minecraft servers. Please include a positive experience as well as a negative one.10. If you could build anything in Minecraft, what would it be?11. Our server is populated by people who know each other and are friends. How does that make you feel?12. Have you ever been banned from a server, and if so, why?13. Have you ever been accused of cheating? What was the outcome?14. What do you think would be an appropriate punishment for cheating?
To apply for access to this server please answer all questions and send your answers to [email protected] or use this Discord link to apply there discord.gg/2jnk8FAY8n.
Thank you for taking the time to view this page and we look forward to hearing from you!