Welcome to MysticalSMP!
Server IP: | Port: 19132 (Java & Bedrock can join!)
Supports Version: 1.20-1.21
Exciting Features:
- Crossplay: Join us on Java and Bedrock! Play together seamlessly.
- Custom WorldGeneration: Explore unique landscapes with our Custom WorldGeneration datapacks.
- Custom Structures: Find hidden treasures within our Custom Structures.
- Custom Plugins and Datapacks: Enjoy new gameplay mechanics that keep the fun fresh.
- Economy and Jobs: Build your empire with our Economy system. Take on Jobs!
- Custom Mob Spawners: Face challenging foes with stacking custom mob spawners.
- Lifesteal Plugin: Steal health in PvP with our Lifesteal plugin.
- Custom Nether and End: Venture into Custom Nether and End worlds.
- Custom Resourcepack: Experience all our custom content with our super lightweight Custom Resourcepack!
- Rewards: Earn Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Rewards!