realiable Minecraft Servers

realiable Minecraft Servers

  • GuptaCraft

    Players: 105/700 Votes: 9288
    Rating: 4.6 / 5
    Infernal Machines Built: 0 Mimic Chests Discovered: 5
    Mythical Quests Completed: 33 Vanishing Items Found: 6
    Phantom Horses Ridden: 4 Votes: 2561
    Void Armor Forged: 20 Soulbound Rings Equipped: 8
    Nether Portals Gone Wrong: 2 Cursed Statues Activated: 2
    Astral Staffs Crafted: 16 Ender Dragon Reincarnations: 1
    Reality-Warping Charms Crafted: 3 Endless Mazes Conquered: 2

    New Minecraft Servers

    Remember the good old days of minecraft where it was not as tryhard? Come join. We have pvp and grief protection with land claims! The world border is just perfect enough to find other players!

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  • RP-Manie

    Players: 95/800 Votes: 5420
    Rating: 4.2 / 5
    Mimic Chests Discovered: 4 Reality-Bending Puzzles Solved: 0
    Time Loop Anomalies Resolved: 0 Whispering Shadows Heard: 4
    Wishing Wells Wished Upon: 10 Sunfire Helmets Forged: 10
    Infernal Machines Built: 1 Divine Spears Created: 12
    Cursed Diamonds Mined: 1 Celestial Crowns Worn: 2
    Magic Crystals Found: 12 Unholy Beasts Tamed: 2
    Unbreakable Curses Broken: 2 Hidden Sanctuaries Discovered: 1

    New Minecraft Servers

    Our small but nice Minecraft server is a hobby project and serves primarily the fun of the game and the entertainment of the other players. We have chosen the theme of role-playing games (RP) so that everyone Player can let his imagination run wild. we also have ensured that as many Minecraft functions as possible were available are available so that the full fun of the game is maintained. We have many small additional functions (plugins) that make the game fun increase even more. Our focus is on city building with the Worlds: Farm World, Nether, End and some additional worlds for special functions.

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  • Noodle realms

    Noodle realms
    Players: 106/1000 Votes: 720
    Rating: 4.2 / 5
    Chaos Gates Opened: 3 Magical Frogs Kissed: 7
    Time Loop Anomalies Resolved: 1 Mythical Quests Completed: 44
    Unicorn Parades Witnessed: 1 Starry Nights Enjoyed: 15
    Interdimensional Bake Sales Hosted: 3 Astral Amulets Crafted: 34
    Immortal Potions Brewed: 15 Epic Quests Completed: 13
    Rune Stones Activated: 5 Gods Slained: 0
    Legendary Titles Earned: 3 Dragonfire Shields Forged: 3

    New Minecraft Servers

    Noodle Realms provides unique gaming experience for all Minecraft players around the globe. We are here to bring your experience to the next level, we provide entertainment, we have competitions, we host events and giveaways.

    Become part of our growing community and let’s make memories together!

    Server IP: noodlerealms.comWebsite:

    Search Tags:Noodle, NoodleRealms, Faction, Server IP, Minigames, Discord, Minecraft servers, Plugins, starters, launcher, new server, uptime, Minecraft version, server list, best server, best minecraft server, Multiplayer, Mini-games, Pvp, Minigame, Prison server, Server network, Game server, Play with, Gamemode, Custom server, Custom maps, Server Minecraft, Minecraft Survival, SkyBlock, Bed Wars, Minecraft pe, leaderboard, leaderboards, Free server, Pocket-edition, Minecraft pocket edition, bedrock, up and running Minecraft players, free Minecraft, Minecraft free, Minecraft games, herobrine, play Minecraft, download Minecraft

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  • MARMELUNA Minecraft server

    MARMELUNA Minecraft server
    Players: 108/100 Votes: 5461
    Rating: 5.0 / 5
    Demon Skulls Collected: 30 Hidden Villages Discovered: 3
    Endless Legions Commanded: 23 Interdimensional Bake Sales Hosted: 3
    Immortal Anvils Forged: 20 Enchanted Teapots Collected: 7
    Forbidden Tomes Read: 1 Sentient Weapons Trained: 7
    Legendary Heroes Trained: 1 Living Shadows Defeated: 5
    Invisible Pathways Walked: 2 Legendary Scepters Created: 5
    Ancient Ruins Explored: 5 Cosmic Hamsters Found: 3

    New Minecraft Servers

    Hello! This is a small and slightly lonely anarchy server without third-party modifications, with a mystical context. Previously, it was a server with modes, but recently everything has changed into a single survival game, the map of which has not changed for 3 years. I hope you enjoy it, as do all those who like to survive to their heart’s content~ ☆ ´◡`

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  • SurvivallistMC

    Players: 106/600 Votes: 6407
    Rating: 4.4 / 5
    Phantom Blocks Placed: 8 Void Armor Forged: 29
    Elemental Crystals Collected: 86 Mines Excavated: 4101
    Legendary Armor Sets Assembled: 21 Votes: 771
    Powerful Allies Recruited: 6 Werewolf Howls Heard: 1
    Glowing Eyes in the Dark: 6 Phantom Ships Sailed: 1
    Void Gems Collected: 37 Mysterious Obelisks Activated: 4
    Epic Weapons Forged: 8 Tesseract Cubes Discovered: 2

    New Minecraft Servers

    Welcome to SurvivallistMC, We are striving to become the biggest server we can possible get and we need your help so please join, thank you!

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    Players: 100/600 Votes: 6239
    Rating: 4.0 / 5
    Dragonkin Hatched: 3 Royal Decrees Issued: 4
    Players Killed by Monsters: 9280 Cursed Amulets Found: 5
    Witch’s Brew Drunk: 18 Battle Standards Raised: 15
    Interdimensional Bake Sales Hosted: 3 Demon Skulls Collected: 19
    Dragon Scales Harvested: 273 Emeralds Found: 7060
    Whispering Caves Entered: 4 Magical Carpet Rides Taken: 7
    Mythical Swords Crafted: 53 Infinite Doors Opened: 2

    New Minecraft Servers

    fun survival and skyblock server to play on with youre friends and have a great time and open crates and play with random strangers come and play on Gamecraft server dont use the ip it wont work use this ip instead

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  • The galaxy network

    The galaxy network
    Players: 92/600 Votes: 2235
    Rating: 4.4 / 5
    Horror Stories Survived: 4 Unsolvable Puzzles Solved: 2
    Cosmic Hamsters Found: 5 Phantom Ships Sailed: 4
    Battle Standards Raised: 5 Endless Mazes Conquered: 4
    Ethereal Couriers Hired: 3 Haunted Chests Opened: 1
    Glorious Feasts Held: 13 Reality-Warping Charms Crafted: 1
    Elemental Crystals Collected: 58 Void Armor Forged: 23
    Epic Weapons Forged: 8 Celestial Beings Befriended: 5

    New Minecraft Servers

    We are The Galaxy Network, we have our focus on Minecraft (International, here you can choose your own language / country in the discord), it will start with survival. And we strive to expand the server enormously You can think of minigames, kitpvp, kingdom and you name it. In addition, we already have a number of nice plugins in it. In addition, we will try to connect bedrock to our java, which will give you a kind of crossrealm idea We are still looking for active players who want to come and play with us. Of course bring nice suggestions and want to help us grow If this has piqued your interest, please join our discord and have a look around

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  • MineOre | Minecraft server project BE server Minecraft

    MineOre |  Minecraft server project BE server Minecraft
    Players: 94/800 Votes: 4326
    Rating: 4.4 / 5
    Crystal Wands Charged: 13 Wyrmholes Dug: 5
    Galactic Jellyfish Caught: 3 Haunted Strongholds Conquered: 4
    Necronomicon Pages Collected: 5 Voidwalker Blades Crafted: 6
    Dragon Eggs Hatched: 3 Haunted Chests Opened: 8
    God-Killer Bows Constructed: 5 Ghostly Villagers Traded With: 5
    Magical Carpet Rides Taken: 5 Underground Cities Explored: 2
    Nether Portals Gone Wrong: 1 Dragon Eggs Found: 4235

    New Minecraft Servers

    The best game project for Survival Minecraft BE. We have everything you could ever dream of. Come in!

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  • SoupHut

    Players: 103/600 Votes: 9715
    Rating: 4.9 / 5
    Hidden Sanctuaries Discovered: 3 Cosmic Hamsters Found: 6
    Animals Bred: 19 Phantom Ships Sailed: 4
    Eerie Music Discs Played: 5 Celestial Crowns Worn: 1
    Dragons Adopted as Pets: 5 Mythical Quests Completed: 26
    Villages Defended: 11 Shadow Cloaks Sewn: 1
    Dragon Eggs Hatched: 2 Crystal Palaces Visited: 1
    Giant Mushrooms Cultivated: 5 Sentient Weapons Trained: 1

    New Minecraft Servers

    A small, mostly vanilla Survival Multiplayer server with no gameplay altering plugins or mods and a small community of people.

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  • DeJure Craft

    DeJure Craft
    Players: 95/400 Votes: 445
    Rating: 4.9 / 5
    Mystic Runes Engraved: 2 Epic Mounts Acquired: 3
    Magical Moments Shared: 9 Darkness Engulfments Escaped: 3
    Chaos Gates Opened: 0 Glorious Feasts Held: 12
    Ghost Miner’s Tools Found: 1 Cryptic Prophecies Deciphered: 5
    Crystal Caves Mapped: 9 Spontaneous Duels Fought: 9
    Divine Spears Created: 16 Powerful Allies Recruited: 5
    Gnome Villages Protected: 5 Forbidden Grimoires Read: 5

    New Minecraft Servers

    DeJure Craft blends 1.8 style PvP with Grand Strategy style RP politics using the factions plugin! Build castles and cities with your friends and then protect and expand through politics and PvP! This server was made because we couldnt find another one that: – Ran as smoothly with the plugins we want – Has no pay to win elements at all. Ever. – Has 1.8 era combat and the up to date building blocks. – Has an active community that creates rich RP driven diplomacy and conflicts.

    Check it out at:

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