Waychest is a custom-built Minecraft experience that extends vanilla survival mode with an emphasis on exploration and building. It is a hybrid of a public multiplayer server and a private Realm, where players begin their journey on what seems like a server all to themselves but soon discover they are not alone. Custom items and blocks guide players across the world to find what others have left behind, with the potential to encounter fellow players on their own journeys.
FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions:
1. What is the “Journey” system on Waychest?
The Journey system is where you and those you choose are placed into your own “server” with a random spawn point in a shared survival world. Each Journey has its own spawn point, progression through the game, and set of partners sharing the Journey.
2. What are Waychests and how do they work?
Waychests are special chests that act as beacons, guiding Journeys to find each other and offering rewards to those who seek them out. Players can craft and place their own Waychests to guide others to their builds.
3. What is the “Waychest Flight” minigame?
This minigame challenges players to find ingredients to craft an Elytra that initiates an in-world flying game. This game involves passing through a series of rings, eventually leading to a Waychest built by another player.
4. How does the region protection work on Waychest?
Waychests that players place create an expandable area of protection for certain blocks and containers, ensuring the safety of their builds in the shared world.
5. Are there custom advancements on Waychest?
Yes, every custom mechanic on the server has an associated advancement, providing players with goals and guidance on how to progress in the game without the need to rely heavily on external sources.
6. Is there any form of monetization on Waychest?
No, there are no premium perks, donator tiers, or any form of money accepted on Waychest, ensuring a fair and equal playing field for all players.
For more questions or to start your own Journey, visit waychest.com
or read more about the server on the Wiki.