Founded in May 2011, Cubic Worlds is a gaming community and Minecraft server that anyone can log in to and explore as a Guest. Our aim is to create a safe and secure place for players of all ages and skill levels to enjoy building epic creations with others. We value your time and effort, and seek to reward you by providing a community that is amongst the friendliest in the Minecraftverse. We offer:
► Improved survival gameplay: We try to keep close to the traditional spirit of Minecraft survival whilst also taking advantage of plugins that provide security and additional gameplay options. Staff don’t magick items up except to refund losses from glitches or as prizes for events.
► Equality: Promotion is completely unnecessary to enjoy playing on the server. A new Member has identical building powers to a long-standing Moderator (excepting WorldEdit powers which are only used for preparing events). The only perks that promotion offers are the power to write coloured signs and the ability to place TNT, which we restrict Members from doing as an anti-grief measure. However, you are free to ask another player to help you do either of those things!
► Impartial and not for profit: While voluntary donations are always welcome and will be sincerely appreciated, Cubic Worlds is not run for profit and does not exist to make money. We do not sell in-game powers, privilege or influence in exchange for donations.
► Accountability: Our Staffers are not tyrannical beings that must be feared, and in fact they welcome constructive feedback on their actions to improve both themselves and the server as a whole. Just as players are expected to follow the server rules, so must staff members abide by a strict staff policy to ensure they do not abuse their position of trust.
► Fun! As well as hosting events including mainstream ideas like Spleef or PvP Tournaments and viciously evil Parkour Gauntlets, we also run completely custom events such as treasure hunts, Leaf Spleef, “The Many-Hued Path”, and the Emerald Jump. We try to host at least one event every weekend!
For a full description, we recommend you check our homepage for links to lots of helpful information.
We look forward to seeing you in Cubic Worlds!