Overlord Openings Reaction Minecraft Servers

Overlord Openings Reaction Minecraft Servers

  • Build Banter & Beyond

    Build Banter & Beyond
    Players: 100/300 Votes: 9123
    Rating: 4.9 / 5
    Infinite Doors Opened: 1 Moonlit Rituals Performed: 3
    Ender Dragon Reincarnations: 2 Mystical Amulets Crafted: 15
    Enchanted Forests Planted: 9 Quantum Bards Serenaded: 4
    Storm Giants Negotiated With: 0 Elemental Crystals Collected: 70
    God-Tier Weapons Forged: 30 Eldritch Medallions Worn: 8
    Magical Beanstalks Grown: 4 Mystic Runes Engraved: 6
    Phoenix Feathers Found: 5 Haunted Chests Opened: 9

    New Minecraft Servers

    World started @ 10PM MT Feb 8th 2024

    I plan to always bring in new people to the server so there’s always an active playerbase, with new friends being made!

    Whats different? No Natural Health Regen. What does this mean? When you take damage, no matter how full your hunger is, it won’t regenerate your lost hearts that that pesky skeleton took from you. How can you regenerate your health? Fairly simple: when you spawn, you’ll be given two golden apples to start with. Use them wisely, as they will bring your health back up. You can also use things such as potions, beacons, or crafting golden apples. Why this change? Too make the game feel more like a challenge, no matter how late you are.

    Endermen greifing has been disabled. Creepers, and Ghasts still do their thing, though.

    Single-player sleep is turned on to make sleeping through restless nights easier.

    Apply here:


    Server-side mods / Datapacks (None need to be installed client side)


    Coord Finder

    Blazeandcave’s Advancements


    Simple Voice Chat

    View Distance Fix



    FreeCam is allowed to take screenshots or look at builds.(not to find spawners, strongholds, ect..)

    Sand/Gravel/Gravel/Rail, or powdered concrete dupers are allowed.

    Tnt Dupers are allowed.

    Carpet dupers are allowed.

    Mob switches are allowed. (MUST have an off switch.)

    DO not dupe anything besides Sand/Gravel/Powdered Concrete/TNT and Carpet dupes for fuel.

    No leaving floating tree’s at spawn.

    Bases must be at least 700 blocks away from spawn.

    If using a large amount of hoppers, they must be covered to decrease lag.

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  • LizC864

    Players: 104/1000 Votes: 5158
    Rating: 5.0 / 5
    Pockets of Chaos Discovered: 3 Endless Night Skies: 5
    Herobrine Sightings: 2 Cursed Statues Activated: 2
    Mimic Chests Discovered: 4 Magical Moments Shared: 26
    Ethereal Dreams Experienced: 28 God-Tier Weapons Forged: 35
    Vanishing Items Found: 7 Legendary Scepters Created: 7
    Divine Scrolls Written: 12 Haunted Chests Opened: 2
    Magic Items Found: 5576 Mystical Amulets Crafted: 24

    New Minecraft Servers

    lizc864.g.akliz.net – LizC864 (Vanilla 1.16.5)

    **LizC864 Vanilla:**

    **About us:**

    -Destructive mob actions are OFF. No creeper holes or getting a hole blown through the side of your home.

    -Keep inventory is ON. You won’t lose everything you have on you if you die. Yes, you can take it with you!


    -Core Protect

    -Crazy Crates

    -DynMap: http://lizc864.g.akliz.net


    -Grief Prevention: Use a golden shovel to protect your area.

    -Single Player Sleep


    There aren’t any player ranks. It’s not about rank. It’s about building & exploring. If you’re not a “by-hand” builder & “on-foot” explorer, you WILL be bored out of your mind here.


    -1st & foremost, don’t be an asshat.

    -You CAN advertise, I’m not competing with anyone & if you know of other great servers out there, please share!

    -No begging for free items. Mine, explore, find what you need by playing the game.

    -No blatant bigotry, ignorance, racism, or sexism.

    -No cheating / hacked clients.

    -No destruction of ANY building, claimed or not.

    -No griefing of terrain (pits, holes, traps, etc.)

    -No killing villagers.

    -Claim your home & property to prevent griefing & theft. This responsibility is on you.

    -No streams of profanity. The majority of us are adults & we do curse, tell rude jokes, & have adult conversations sometimes … but if you’re going to log in & say every bad word your mommy won’t let you say only because she’s not watching, then you’re banned. And yes, this applies for ALL languages … even Klingon.

    There are LOTS of Minecraft servers out there. If you want daylight all the time, flying enabled, & endless resources, then find yourself a nice creative mode server that fits those wants.

    **DONATIONS:** PayPal.me/LizC864

    **TWITCH:** https://www.twitch.tv/lizc864

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  • Avarice

    Players: 110/1000 Votes: 7878
    Rating: 4.4 / 5
    Fairy Circles Danced In: 12 Gorgon Shields Crafted: 2
    Cryptic Prophecies Deciphered: 6 Dragons Tamed: 5
    Endless Staircases Climbed: 2 Paranormal Events Investigated: 4
    Ghost Trains Ridden: 1 Love Letters Sent: 4
    Secret Libraries Discovered: 5 Cursed Artifacts Recovered: 18
    Magic Wands Crafted: 11 Spectral Entities Defeated: 3
    Eerie Music Discs Played: 5 Vanishing Items Found: 4

    New Minecraft Servers

    Avarice is a Role-playing/SMP server with artifacts/magic, gods, and deep lore. We are starting with the first part! A completely clean slate. So I would say this is the best time to join the server

    Role-playing is the most important part of this server and you do need to submit a character sheet in order to be let onto the server, please read the rules upon joining

    The discord server can be joined with this link Avarice

    The main rules can be found on the server


    Server side plugins such as A IC Radio Ic/Ooc chatting Event mode Magic/Artifacts Guild system Races

    Weekly events

    Lore related story builds

    And much, much more.

    Behind the scenes

    We Have an extremely dedicated moderation team, and development team, this includes

    A Lore Team They make sure the stories progression goes smoothly! And stays interesting

    Tech Team Responsible for the plug-ins, and any bug fixes that need to be fixed. As well as the TikTok’s

    Moderation Team The people responsible for keeping everything in order, and helping any new community members!

    And last but not least the owner! Responsible for the creation of the server, There to help with everything

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  • WarlockAUS

    Players: 93/900 Votes: 6804
    Rating: 4.8 / 5
    Paranormal Events Investigated: 5 Cozy Campfires Lit: 19
    Curse of Binding Applied: 3 Elemental Forces Harnessed: 5
    Ethereal Couriers Hired: 5 Vampire Cloaks Sewn: 2
    Heroic Legacies Created: 3 Eldritch Abominations Befriended: 2
    Magic Scrolls Discovered: 1 Magical Ponies Rescued: 8
    Hedge Mazes Navigated: 4 Ender Chest Mysteries Uncovered: 1
    Zombie Dances: 4 Ancient Dragons Awakened: 0

    New Minecraft Servers

    NPC Army Custom Plugin Forge your army and lead your NPC-soldiers into battle.

    Strategic and capturable resources for nations to fight over. These resources can fund your empire, fuel your war machine, and provide necessary bonuses. We enforce non-toxic, non griefing warfare with legitimate roleplay and casus bellis for wars as opposed to factions styled raiding.

    Our world is filled with 9 nation-states, and 20+ towns.

    Some of our major nations include: – The German Empire – The Kingdom of Britannia – Yūgen no Kuni – United Levellian Republics – Celia

    Theme: Roughly medieval to 19th century

    Other Gamemodes: Quests, Dungeons, mcMMO. Mini-Games: Chess, Mob Arena, Paintball, Build Battle.


    Dynmap: http://map.warlock-mc.com

    Discord: http://disc.warlock-mc.com

    Bedrock: Use same IP and port: 25565

    IP: warlock-mc.com

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  • Boruto Epsilon

    Boruto Epsilon
    Players: 101/200 Votes: 7219
    Rating: 4.5 / 5
    Heavenly Choirs Heard: 2 Haunted Redstone Contraptions Built: 3
    Flesh-Eating Plants Grown: 2 Secret Libraries Discovered: 3
    Alternate Realities Explored: 4 Duplicated Mobs Battled: 6
    Werewolf Howls Heard: 1 Ancient Guardians Awoken: 1
    Animals Bred: 94 Runic Tablets Deciphered: 21
    Crystal Palaces Visited: 1 Mythical Creatures Tamed: 3
    Astral Mages Summoned: 3 Corrupted Trees Chopped: 2

    New Minecraft Servers

    Hey hey so this server that’s been in development for like a year or two on technic it’s coming out in like 10ish hours from now and wanted to let those who like Naruto mod know

    Here’s the discord for those who want to join it


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  • BlockHeart

    Players: 103/1000 Votes: 2203
    Rating: 4.9 / 5
    Magic Wands Crafted: 16 Nether Portals Gone Wrong: 3
    Omnipotent Charms Created: 1 Titanic Battles Fought: 25
    Magical Beanstalks Grown: 2 Titan Hearts Harvested: 1
    Lost Cities Unearthed: 5 Orbs of Power Found: 5
    Disappearing Landscapes Witnessed: 2 Mysterious Obelisks Activated: 4
    Elemental Forces Harnessed: 5 Unholy Rituals Interrupted: 1
    Eldritch Scrolls Read: 7 Phoenix Feathers Found: 6

    New Minecraft Servers

    The fantasy BlockHeart server is back for its newest, biggest, and best season! With the incredible BlockHeart family ready to establish fantastic bases, a community capital city at spawn, a vibrant shopping district and natural economy, games events competitions and community builds, this really will be the server to be on. Inspired by the Zack Scott server in the 2000s, Coffinland, and HermitCraft, we welcome content creators to cover the servers if they want to.

    We are a close community who are forever looking to expand our friendship group and all play together toward our beautiful cities and projects; as well as all doing our own thing and having a fun place to escape to within Minecraft.

    We do gaming sessions on the server together; minigames, projects, events, and also play other games and have funny long calls. We have a couple of streamers and YouTubers who cover the server, and are always looking for more content creators to join too.

    Rules > No verbal abuse, racial, sexual, homophobic and xenophobic harassment etc. wont be tolerated > No griefing or stealing – we’re all very trusting > No unlawful killing – most are okay with banterry killing, but make sure you’re not annoying someone > Have fun, and log off when you stop having fun > No lag machines > Contact one of the group leaders with any problems asap

    Please reply to this post with the following to apply: Age Discord ID IGN Gender identification Nationality Favourite movie Favourite video game Minecraft build style Project idea for our server Tell me a joke 🙂 Thanks, hope to hear from you soon!

    IP: eu04.empowerservers.network:7085


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  • Ascending Embers

    Ascending Embers
    Players: 90/900 Votes: 4540
    Rating: 4.5 / 5
    Unholy Rituals Interrupted: 2 Warrior Spirits Summoned: 19
    Omnipotent Charms Created: 3 Cursed Villages Purged: 4
    Interdimensional Bake Sales Hosted: 3 Runic Tablets Deciphered: 40
    Epic Mounts Acquired: 3 Meteorites Collected: 0
    Crystal Wands Charged: 10 Dragon Eggs Found: 1100
    Falling into the Void: 0 Celestial Events Witnessed: 5
    Haunted Redstone Contraptions Built: 3 Crops Grown: 8940

    New Minecraft Servers

    ─ ⬥💠 🔥 💠⬥ Ascending Embers ⬥💠 🔥 💠⬥ ─

    IP: ae.ggs.onl

    Discord: https://discord.gg/psT27W2

    Live map: http://ae.ggs.onl:12500/

    Everyone is welcome at Ascending Embers!

    Our server is a calm and comfortable place for everyone. We are looking for both active and semi-active players.

    We help each other in any way we can, so if you’d like a helping hand with redstone, need advice with a build, or if you’re just new to the game, we’re here for you!

    ─── ⬥💠 🌟 💠⬥ Features ⬥💠 🌟 💠⬥ ───

    A calm and relaxing community for everyone 🏳️‍🌈

    The server is on Hard difficulty ☠️

    A separate Creative world ✨

    We have a render distance of 30 chunks! 👀

    Elytra drops from killing the dragon to ensure everyone has a chance of getting one 🦋

    ─ ⬥💠 📜 💠⬥ Rules & additional information ⬥💠 📜 💠⬥ ─

    1. Abuse of any kind will not be tolerated.
    2. Don’t intentionally provoke others, or be intolerable.
    3. Griefing or stealing will not be tolerated.
    4. Hacking, X-raying, Duplicating items, or otherwise cheating will not be tolerated.
    5. Don’t build your base on the spawn island. It’s reserved for shops and amusements.
    6. The secret color when applying for membership is “salmon”.
    7. No amount of bigotry, hate-speech, sexism, racism, or discrimination will be tolerated.

    Since we are grey-listed you will be able to log onto our server without applying, and chat with all the members as well as move around and have a look at our server.

    Then, if you feel like our server would be a nice home for you, just head to our Discord (link above) and make sure to read the rules thoroughly before applying in our applications channel.

    We strive to be as vanilla as possible on Ascending Embers, but we still have a few plugins:

    – Core-protect is used to check for grief

    – Essentials is for our grey-list and /spawn

    – Multiverse-core for the multiple worlds.

    – Sleep-most is to allow a single player to skip the night if someone is afk.

    – Silk-spawners is pretty self-explanatory. We realize this goes a bit far from vanilla, but it’s a thing we feel vanilla needs. This allows us to trade the spawners with each other as well. (Long term world only)

    Server location: Montreal, Canada (but with a really good connection to Europe, and even Australia)

    Server Specifications: Our server is run on a dedicated machine at GGServers. An 8-core 5Ghz CPU ensures a constant 20 TPS, along with our NVMe SSD storage and 1Gbps connection.

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  • SoulCraft

    Players: 98/900 Votes: 1325
    Rating: 4.5 / 5
    Meteorites Collected: 4 Soul Swords Wielded: 4
    Leprechaun Gold Stolen: 2 Cryptic Prophecies Deciphered: 6
    Infinity Stones Found: 1 Starry Nights Enjoyed: 25
    Endless Staircases Climbed: 3 Tesseract Cubes Discovered: 3
    Mythical Beasts Vanquished: 0 Secret Libraries Discovered: 1
    Astral Amulets Crafted: 36 Goblin Armies Outwitted: 6
    Epic Weapons Forged: 2 Cursed Scrolls Read: 4

    New Minecraft Servers

    🍔🎮 Craving a Byte-sized Adventure? Dive into SoulCraft, the Gaming Feast!

    🌮 Today’s Specials:

    🍕 Call NOW to Place Your Order! Experience the Ultimate Gaming Flavor, where every bite is a new level of fun. https://discord.gg/soulcraft

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  • karlssonSMP

    Players: 99/700 Votes: 6435
    Rating: 4.6 / 5
    Shadow Cloaks Sewn: 5 Haunted Redstone Contraptions Built: 7
    Necronomicon Pages Collected: 7 Spontaneous Duels Fought: 15
    Cursed Lands Purified: 7 Parallel Universes Unraveled: 1
    Dimensional Collapse Prevented: 2 Mysterious Portals Opened: 5
    Cursed Taverns Survived: 4 Haunted Strongholds Conquered: 3
    Cursed Gauntlets Discovered: 7 Legendary Heroes Trained: 7
    Legendary Scepters Created: 3 Nightmare Scenarios Survived: 1

    New Minecraft Servers

    Welcome to karlssonSMP! ✨🚀

    What started in late August 2023 by a couple of friends who decided to invite new players turned into a fun and small community of like-minded players, our goal is to make it feel like you’re just playing with friends.

    At karlssonSMP our priority is to maintain the essence of the original game by preserving its vanilla aspects. However, we’ve implemented a few quality of life datapacks to ensure a smoother experience for all players.

    Apply here: Discord

    ⚔️ Enhanced Gameplay: Experience the best of both worlds with vanilla gameplay complemented by carefully selected quality-of-life datapacks. Dive into a seamless gaming experience with features like custom armor statues for personalized aesthetics, mini blocks for intricate builds, anti-grief measures against creepers and endermen, player head drops upon vanquishing opponents, their heads will now serve as trophies and more mob heads where mobs have a chance of dropping their head.

    • Multiplayersleep
    • Hermitcraft inspired
    • Shopping district
    • Squaremap
    • Respectful and fun members
    • 10k World border
    • Map reset every 6 months

    You can find out more information about the server and its datapacks on our discord!

    🚫 Zero Tolerance Policy: Enjoy a safe and fair gaming environment with strict rules against stealing, cheating, and griefing. Our community upholds integrity and respect for all players, ensuring a fun and enjoyable experience for everyone.

    🔒 Server Details: Our Java Edition server runs on PaperMC and is located in Europe, ensuring a smooth gameplay. Currently, we are on version 1.20.4.

    How to Join:

    Applying is easy! Simply hop onto our discord server and submit your application. Join a community of like-minded gamers and become part of the karlssonSMP family. We welcome all players, from casual builders to hardcore survivalists.

    See you on karlssonSMP! ✨🚀

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  • The Artisan Collective SMP

    The Artisan Collective SMP
    Players: 101/1000 Votes: 5843
    Rating: 4.1 / 5
    Phantom Rings Equipped: 18 Heavenly Choirs Heard: 1
    Blood-Forged Axes Created: 8 Magical Moments Shared: 12
    Magic Wands Crafted: 5 Chaos Orbs Controlled: 5
    Pockets of Chaos Discovered: 4 Soul Swords Wielded: 6
    Ethereal Couriers Hired: 4 Cursed Villages Purged: 4
    Celestial Crowns Worn: 5 Mysterious Portals Opened: 10
    Vampire Cloaks Sewn: 3 Demonic Pacts Formed: 0

    New Minecraft Servers

    Who are we?: We are a brand new SMP focused entirely on building an online community consisting of YouTubers and streamers playing semi-vanilla Minecraft. We are not Hermitcraft, but we are very much inspired by Hermitcraft. We are not, however, concerned with your subscriber count but we are most interested in finding the ‘right personality’ that would fit into our community and is active (or commits to being active) while producing family-friendly and (at times) semi narrative-based content in a fun and positive way.

    What are we trying to achieve?: We aim to provide a platform on which we can build our individual channels while entertaining our viewers with fun and engaging content. We focus solely on the endless fun and possibilities that minecraft has to offer in a multiplayer environment that is soon starting its very first season! Whether it’s building our own bases, collaborative projects, or fun shenanigans, we aspire to take our followers on a journey of positive and family-friendly fun.

    How are we doing this?: Together! While there must be an admin, beyond that, it is our goal that we can build this community together through having open and transparent discussions in our meetings and member discord. For that reason we are looking for the right team-oriented people to be a part of our community.

    Requirements to join:

    – We prefer 18+ but recognize that age can also just be a number. We expect maturity and honesty. – Must have an active YouTube and/or streaming account – Must be able to participate in community meetings and be willing to collaborate in game via simple voice chat – Must be able to produce family-friendly content on a weekly / bi-weekly basis.

    A note for you who may feel unsure: We are not professionals, nor do we expect you to be. We are hobbyists and entertainers with goals and ambitions to improve ourselves as content creators. We learn along the way and through this, it gives a unique opportunity for viewers to venture on a journey with our members as we grow and improve. This is a fairly grass roots and authentic community to be a part of as “the other guys” in the room for minecraft content.

    Server info: Our server will be reviewed before the start of the season by our community to ensure we are in agreement going forward but the following datapacks and mods would be proposed:


    – AFK Display : Name goes grey if the player doesn’t move for five minutes. – Anti Endermen Grief : Stops endermen picking up blocks. – Armor Statues : Customize armorstand positions. – Customizable Armor Stands : Used to manipulate armor stands for building details. – Custom Roleplay Data : Enables the use of custom textures on items. – Double Shulker Shells : Shulkers always drop two shells. – Multiplayer Sleep : Improves the sleep system. – More Mob Heads : All mobs can drop their head on death – No Trial Chambers : Enables 1.21 blocks without structures generating. – Player Head Drops : If a player kills another, their head will drop on death! – Silence Mobs : A feature to stop entities making sounds. – Spectator Conduit Power / Night Vision : Visual tools for camera accounts. – Unlock Recipes : Unlock all crafting recipes. – Wandering Trades : Adds lots of mini block trades to Wandering Traders.


    – Audio Player : Lets hermits add custom audio files into the world. – Cloth Config : Required for other mods. – fabric-carpet : Required for other mods. – lithium : Performance optimizer. – spark : Used to monitor & diagnose performance. – status : Allows players to set a streaming or recording status. – viewdistancefix : Uncouples server and client view distance. – voicechat : Enables proximity voice communication in game.

    Communications: We use discord for our community communications, organizing meetings and arranging collaborative projects and events. Anything related to the building and maintaining our community. All other communications are done with simple voice chat in game.

    HOW TO APPLY!: To apply, please fill out the form (link below): **The Artisan Collective SMP application form** Note: If there are any questions or we are interested in your application, you will be asked to meet us on discord for a discussion to determine any next steps. Please be prepared for this.

    Questions & Answers

    When will the season start?: Depending on recruitment, we are aiming for the latest March 16th, 2024. It’s our hope to meet collectively to discuss the plans for the season and get to know each other a bit more before starting. This way, it’s not totally a collective group of (total) strangers 😀

    What version of Minecraft will be used to start with? 1.20.4

    Are client side mods and plugins allowed? : There is a suggested list of client-side quality of life mods that will be made available on discord. Any mods that make it possible to cheat or give advantage to the player will not be allowed.

    Will Dynmap or Bluemap be used?: No. We want to enhance the experience of exploration by not having the world available outside of game to see. Client-side mods like Xaeros mini-map and world map can give more relevant views based on what was explored, rather than have everything open for viewing.

    Story driven content was mentioned. Is this required?: No. The idea of story or narrative drive content was only mentioned for those that want to follow along a loose path. The idea was only proposed as a potential timeline to follow but can be veered off into different pathways along the way if so desired….or then not at all. Often times, it can be a challenge to come up with ideas to make multiplayer Minecraft fun and some sort of ideas ‘can help’ in coming up with ideas for videos. However, good, wholesome content can come just from hanging out and doing things together with no specific topic as well. The idea of potentially having some kind of narrative is only intended to help guide, if needed.

    What about in game economy? These can wreck servers.: Yes, they can, but they don’t have to…if they’re discussed about and planned ahead of time. Discussions and agreements made on discord make it much easier to avoid the craziness that can come from wild west shop competition. This is one topic of several to discuss and decide together.

    What about world security?: We will be having backups throughout each day of the world to mitigate any potential damage. We hope to trust our community fully in ensuring mutual respect and honesty in how we play. As this is an SMP for making videos and streams by content creators, we want to ensure we have the best possible environment of honest people so that we can maximize the output on farms, without negatively affecting mob spawn rates coming from security plug-ins and mods.

    Will the world seed be known to the community beforehand?: No. This is season 1 and we are concentrating this season on establishing ourselves as a group and building a core group of friends and content creators. We won’t rule this out for future seasons but for the integrity of season 1, our focus will be on foundations and enjoying the beauty of the wonder of exploration in Minecraft.

    Will there be a limited world border?: We would like to propose one while we await 1.21 to be released in full so it allows us expansion with the new release beyond the borders. However, this is a topic to discuss amongst the members to determine what size of border we all can agree on.

    How long will the season be? This needs to be discussed and agreed upon prior to starting but this also becomes clear as the season goes on. Ideally, we would propose approximately one year for a minimum duration of a season. However, we will be addressing this in our internal meetings to gauge where people are at with that idea, before and especially during the season, depending how it progresses.

    Why are you doing a seasonal approach and resetting rather than keeping the map going? : We believe that as content creators, there is always something special about starting something new. Fresh seasons offer opportunities to implement new ideas with a new map and possibly new features in the game at that time. Seasons allow us to think in terms of projects where there is a definitive start and ending. This motivates us to continue our builds’ completion to be ready in time for the next season. That gives us time to make the map available for download for our viewers, while addressing potential new recruitment of players. Seasons just work for this type of approach and while we respect those that continue with the same map, we won’t be.

    What if I can’t keep up regularly with the weekly or bi-weekly schedule? : Since this is not (yet) a job for us, it’s understandable that real life can cause delays for videos and streams. This needs flexibility. However, as this is an SMP focused on creating content for videos and streams, having the schedule stretch too far and too often with too many people will simply turn this into a regular Minecraft SMP, which is not the goal of this community. We create videos and streams and our aim is to be as regular as we can with providing them.

    Can I join even though I don’t make videos or stream? I mean, I even know a few people on there. Can I join?: This is extremely unlikely as the point of this server community is to make fun, engaging, and entertaining content for people to enjoy. There may be, however, in the future opportunities for random events where some outsiders can join in and play. Perhaps with other content creators as well. These are not yet planned and there’s no timeline for this yet, but the idea could be fun.

    If you should have any questions or need for clarification, just send us a PM.

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