Moondance is launching as a new survival server (new as of November 12, 2016) mostly for adults (20+) . The server will be a work-in-progress. The server has some anti-griefing protection properties. A form of economy will likely be added in the future.
As far as rules: I am curious as to where the community will take the server. I like the idea of the server’s community forming some type of government or a means by which to dictate what the community feels the society norms should be.
I would love to see some epic builds occurring however they will need to be made in survival mode. The owner of the server will play on the server however will not use special commands. The owner will play as a normal player and will only use special commands/abilities for administrative purposes like banning an abusive player, etc.
The server utilizes a whitelist. If you are twenty years of age or older and would like to participate in this community send a message requesting admittance. The server owner currently uses a google email address with a username of Moondanceserver. (This was intentionally written this way to try to help prevent bots from spamming the email address. You should be able to send a message to the server staff if you put moondanceserver immediately followed by the at symbol followed by the common google email domain name.)
Your message should explain how old you are and why you would like to join the server. It does not need to be a lengthy email. Just a few sentences describing a little bit about yourself and what you are looking for in a Minecraft server.