not rhymes Minecraft Servers

not rhymes Minecraft Servers

  • Revelation 3.6.0

    Revelation 3.6.0
    Players: 100/400 Votes: 9047
    Rating: 4.2 / 5
    Dragon Eggs Found: 5642 Cursed Amulets Found: 0
    Elemental Temples Cleansed: 4 Backwards Speech Heard: 6
    Magical Moments Shared: 6 Mysterious Portals Opened: 14
    Cursed Diamonds Mined: 7 Immortal Potions Brewed: 12
    Arcane Towers Raised: 4 Ethereal Dreams Experienced: 7
    Cursed Gauntlets Discovered: 3 Immortal Anvils Forged: 5
    Mystical Artifacts Crafted: 6 Magical Carpet Rides Taken: 7

    New Minecraft Servers

    A fun Feed-The-Beast modpack for everyone for free Minecraft Revelation 3.6.0 Please be respectful if you play here Hope everyone has a great time 🙂 ( If you have any questions please email [email protected] )

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  • SmallersSMP

    Players: 99/300 Votes: 4909
    Rating: 4.7 / 5
    Runic Tablets Deciphered: 10 Haunted Mirrors Gazed Into: 2
    Blood Moons Survived: 0 Evil Portals Destroyed: 2
    Legendary Scepters Created: 2 Epic Weapons Forged: 7
    Glowing Eyes in the Dark: 1 Magic Crystals Found: 15
    Secret Libraries Discovered: 5 Ender Pearl Glitches: 4
    Mysterious Obelisks Activated: 2 Voidwalker Blades Crafted: 12
    Crystal Caves Mapped: 2 Ores Mined: 3391

    New Minecraft Servers

    SmallersSMP is a Minecraft Java only SMP where you can Basically do anything you want as long as you follow the rules, you can build a colony branching off of The Four main nations, Spookville, hexaria, Caketown, and Sealand, you can also build shops wherever you want as long as it’s in a colony, We hope you have a good time here!

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  • Reavermc

    Players: 100/700 Votes: 2256
    Rating: 4.5 / 5
    Sunfire Helmets Forged: 8 Dimension-Hopping Bunnies Found: 5
    Cursed Taverns Survived: 4 Secret Passages Found: 6
    Runic Tablets Deciphered: 29 Whispering Caves Entered: 2
    Legendary Heroes Trained: 2 Mythical Creatures Tamed: 3
    Shadow Daggers Crafted: 47 New Chunks Explored: 287804
    Love Letters Sent: 13 Wizards Turned into Frogs: 0
    Endless Mazes Solved: 2 Lost Artifacts Recovered: 3

    New Minecraft Servers

    OP Skyblock with custom features such as mobcoins, harvester hoes, custom spawners, and much more

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  • [1.12 – 1.14] Minecraft server [1.12 – 1.14] Minecraft server
    Players: 101/900 Votes: 1139
    Rating: 4.4 / 5
    Cursed Artifacts Uncovered: 4 Mystical Amulets Crafted: 25
    Whimsical Tea Parties Held: 3 Spontaneous Duels Fought: 7
    Farms Harvested: 192 Infinite Knowledge Scrolls Discovered: 1
    Endless Mazes Conquered: 2 Dragons Tamed: 3
    Magical Ponies Rescued: 5 Storm Giants Negotiated With: 0
    Starry Nights Enjoyed: 14 Reality-Warping Charms Crafted: 5
    Chaos Gates Opened: 3 Forbidden Relics Collected: 3

    New Minecraft Servers – PLAY AND EARN.Version: 1.12.2 – 1.14You can earn REAL money on the server.Custom card.Modified anarchy.

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  • Nemesis Towny

    Nemesis Towny
    Players: 98/300 Votes: 2203
    Rating: 4.2 / 5
    Infinity Stones Found: 3 Ghost Miner’s Tools Found: 6
    Runes Activated: 3 Soulbound Rings Equipped: 12
    Chimeras Created: 4 Legendary Items Repaired: 7
    Eternal Flames Captured: 4 Astral Orbs Gathered: 17
    Divine Spears Created: 13 Cursed Villages Purged: 1
    Whispering Caves Entered: 2 Underground Cities Explored: 3
    Pockets of Chaos Discovered: 2 Titanic Battles Fought: 25

    New Minecraft Servers

    Nemesis Towny Looking for new Players and recruiting Staff and ​Custom world 1.19.2

    an excellent server known for its amazing experiences. We are a laid-back, no grief, economy, where we value community above all else.

    The server is running 1.19.2 new caves update , and everyone is welcome as both Java players and Premium and Cracked are free to join! We strive to have a Non-Competitive Environment which is achieved by making our server focused on PvE, having Keep-Inventory enabled, and by having No Leaderboards.

    The server offers a variety of plugins that enhance the player experience while also staying true to Minecrafts roots such as keep-inv, player warps, griefprevention, and more!

    Show your support for the server by voting to earn free ranks which grants perks such as extra homes, cool prefixes, chest shops, and more!

    Grab a seat, get comfy and stay for a while!

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  • SteelPvP

    Players: 107/1000 Votes: 7657
    Rating: 4.6 / 5
    Elemental Temples Cleansed: 1 Lunar Eclipses Witnessed: 1
    Glowing Eyes in the Dark: 5 Astral Orbs Gathered: 16
    Legendary Armor Sets Assembled: 17 Invisible Pathways Walked: 3
    Divine Scrolls Written: 7 Magical Moments Shared: 9
    Leprechaun Gold Stolen: 1 Unicorn Parades Witnessed: 3
    Mystical Amulets Crafted: 32 Arcane Towers Raised: 2
    Players Killed by Monsters: 8740 Infinite Knowledge Scrolls Discovered: 2

    New Minecraft Servers

    The First 1.16 HCF server that is very fun server and changing the hcf comminuty. its very fun server and i think hot girls in your area! please join smh

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  • Smpcentral

    Players: 97/700 Votes: 3525
    Rating: 4.4 / 5
    Unbreakable Curses Broken: 2 Dragons Tamed: 7
    Dragon Eggs Hatched: 1 Parallel Universes Unraveled: 1
    Secret Libraries Discovered: 2 Crops Grown: 5916
    Emeralds Found: 843 Mimic Chests Discovered: 3
    Wyrmholes Dug: 3 Evil Lairs Raided: 5
    Endless Staircases Climbed: 0 Runic Tablets Deciphered: 15
    Ghost Trains Ridden: 0 Dark Rituals Completed: 7

    New Minecraft Servers

    SMPCentral is a public, survival server network.

    It currently has 3 gamemodes:

    SMPCraft, a semi-vanilla SMP server with scheduled events, trading, custom items, and custom enchantments.OneBlock, an RPG take on OneBlock. Custom items, trading, regenerative mines and forests, and plenty more.Creative, a creative building server. Claim a plot and build to your hearts desire!

    More gamemodes are in the work! Come play today.

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  • UKLAND Minecraft server

    UKLAND Minecraft server
    Players: 101/1000 Votes: 7603
    Rating: 4.2 / 5
    Mystical Amulets Crafted: 39 Villages Defended: 19
    Fabled Crowns Discovered: 10 Secret Guilds Joined: 1
    Dimensional Collapse Prevented: 1 Immortal Potions Brewed: 7
    Dragonfire Shields Forged: 4 Gorgon Shields Crafted: 3
    Frozen Fortresses Conquered: 4 Cursed Gauntlets Discovered: 5
    Endless Mazes Solved: 4 Interdimensional Bake Sales Hosted: 3
    Phantom Blocks Placed: 2 Phantom Horses Ridden: 1

    New Minecraft Servers

    Ukland is a Ukrainian project where you can play on a vanilla and private minecraft server.

    On the server you can work however you want, just remember the rules.

    Develop your imagination, let’s meet new people, together with you we will create more popular Ukrainian communities!

    The server has a plugin installed only for survival purposes, there is no software. No teleportation, sethome, etc.

    Є local and global chat, to write to the global chat you need to write a ‘!’ sign before the notification.

    There is also a voice chat on the server, install the PlasmoVoice mod

    To log into the server you need to make a pass!

    All information is in the channel

    Version: 1.20.4


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  • Head Hunter Community

    Head Hunter Community
    Players: 104/100 Votes: 1546
    Rating: 4.6 / 5
    Wishing Wells Wished Upon: 12 Fabled Crowns Discovered: 4
    Time-Warping Watches Found: 2 Titan Hearts Harvested: 5
    Shadow Wolves Tamed: 2 Hedge Mazes Navigated: 12
    Chimeras Created: 2 Paranormal Events Investigated: 2
    Backwards Speech Heard: 5 Blood-Forged Axes Created: 18
    Phantom Ships Sailed: 4 Immortal Potions Brewed: 5
    Potions Brewed: 122 Phantom Knights Defeated: 10

    New Minecraft Servers

    Head Hunter Community Minecraft Survival Server Not pay to win 678 player quests Dungeons Reward crates 70 player levels Unique shop system Resource world 13 player kits Black Market Land claiming Supply drops Fun fishing Vote for time Head drops

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  • Shiba Network

    Shiba Network
    Players: 102/1000 Votes: 8798
    Rating: 4.1 / 5
    Omnipotent Charms Created: 2 Invisible Walls Found: 1
    Vampire Cloaks Sewn: 2 Gryphons Tamed: 1
    Enchanted Teapots Collected: 9 Villages Defended: 6
    Magical Carpet Rides Taken: 2 Mystic Mirrors Unlocked: 3
    Dragons Tamed: 3 Time-Warping Watches Found: 1
    Titanic Relics Retrieved: 2 Soul Swords Wielded: 1
    Glitched Entities Encountered: 1 Leprechaun Gold Stolen: 2

    New Minecraft Servers

    Shiba Network minecraft server! Classic survival with the usual basic commands, PvP mechanics and items from 1.8, shop and balanced economy, daily end events, protection of plots and/or residences. We have a monthly dragon generation event, daily system, rewards, pets, combatlog, voice by proximity and friends. Ranges with exclusive amenities, pleasant and intuitive interface, keys to open unique chests.

    Anti-pvp grace time for new players, free first residency, anti-sniping start with randomTP.

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