New Minecraft Servers
No staff intervention Minecraft Servers

No staff intervention

  • Eternal Anarchy Forever

    Eternal Anarchy Forever

    New Minecraft Servers

    Anarchy Forever

    This is a full ANARCHY server! Griefing is allowed! Cheating is allowed! No staff intervention! No rules other than don’t crash the server! We plan to be online for many years to come! So come and make YOUR mark today!

    Founded 16th March 2023, this anarchy server will be hosted indefinitely. This server will never be pay to win! Join our discord @ for our community. Come and make your mark on a server that will stay online for many years!

    This server runs on versions 1.18.x through to 1.20.x!

    No rules other than don’t crash the server. Cheating is allowed! The only hack prevention enabled is Fly & Speed to prevent extremely fast travel.

    New Minecraft Server
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  • TheZoo


    New Minecraft Servers

    simple survival server with a couple unique things, please bare with us as we work on the server while its being played this server should be done within the next month. this server will be out while we work on our network so keep in mind this is a work in progress as its out right nowtesting it rn not close to finished

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Legion MC

    Legion MC

    New Minecraft Servers

    We’re thrilled to announce the launch of Legion MC!

    Our dedicated team has worked tirelessly to bring you a premium gameplay to keep you intrigued.

    In our survival server you’ll gather resources, form alliances, and earn crate keys by defeating bosses and earning in-game currency.

    Unlock unique enchants, cosmetics, and ranks by purchasing crate keys and ranks from our online store. With our commitment to delivering high quality features and performance we also guarantee excellent support to our players . Our next upcoming gamemode to be released is factions so stay tuned as we introduce new features weekly and new ways to progress and make money in-game.

    Join our thriving community now!

    50% off all ranks and cosmetics in the store !


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  • Mine Zinho

    Mine Zinho

    New Minecraft Servers

    Mine Zinho is a Minecraft Survival server in version 1.20.4, with Grief Defender, Mcmmo, Jobs, ShopGUI, among others. Come play and have fun with us!

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Empire War: A Lord of the Rings Siege Server

    Empire War: A Lord of the Rings Siege Server

    New Minecraft Servers

    Empire War: A Lord of the Rings Siege Server Minecraft ServerEmpire War is an exciting, castle siege, PvP Minecraft server. Experience expansive class based combat, both attacking and defending locations from the Lord of the Rings novels and Films. Each map features a new array of play-styles for you to try out and master, as well as new custom built locations to explore and discover.

    Join us, and experience firsthand the magical excitement that only Empire War can offer. Embark on a journey where you will battle, conquer, and shape your own destiny, all within a world where legends are forged: the future of Middle Earth is in the palm of your hand!

    Join the forces of Mordor, Isengard, Haradrim, and more evil factions. Conquer Helm’s Deep as an Uruk-Hai general, besiege Minas Tirith with hordes of trolls, or raid the fields of Edoras riding dreadful wargs!Empire War: A Lord of the Rings Siege Server Minecraft Server

    Empire War: A Lord of the Rings Siege Server Minecraft ServerOr choose to fight for the free peoples of Middle-Earth. Defend the ruins of Osgiliath, or protect the ancient Halls of Moria! Push back the assaults on Erebor or end the evil once and for all at the doorstep of Mordor at the Black Gate!

    Whatever you want to do, whatever side you want to fight for, Empire War allows you to jump right into Middle-Earth and feel like you’re actually part of its world.

    Join now with the IP:




    Join our Discord server!


    See you soon!

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Play Survival! (Fully updated to 1.20)

    Play Survival! (Fully updated to 1.20)

    New Minecraft Servers

    The name of the server is quite self-explanatory. Join today if you crave Minecraft survival! We have some features to enhance the experience, but we keep it semi-vanilla. We have land claims, grief protection (including rollbacks), mcmmo, and economy. You’re gonna love it!

    New Minecraft Server
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  • True SMP

    True SMP

    New Minecraft Servers

    Welcome to True SMP. We are a new survival server that offers a lot of quality of life improvements without taking away from the “True” Minecraft multiplayer experience. Our aim here is to make a friendly community full of involved players and deliver an exciting and fun experience for everyone. Life can be stressful but here you can sit back relax, ease your mind and enjoy some gaming. Interested? Launch Minecraft 1.20.2 and enter the following IP in your multiplayer menu! – JAVA – BEDROCK –

    New Minecraft Server
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  • MegaLeyendas


    New Minecraft Servers

    Do you want a new experience? Or do you prefer an old-fashioned experience? It doesn’t matter all that, here in MegaLeyendas you choose how to play, whether it’s being a simple Minecraft survival player, challenging the countless bosses with unique mechanics, farming resources in the mines, or simply playing with luckyblocks. And the best part, WITHOUT MODS OR TEXTUREPACKS, a completely custom vanilla experience. Version: 1.17-1.20.4

    New Minecraft Server
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  • S-G Hosting ATM9

    S-G Hosting ATM9

    New Minecraft Servers

    New server with NO banned items/restrictions! Our community is small, but friendly. We at S-G Hosting believe in playing the modpack how its meant to be played! With simple easy to follow rules and no banned items you’ll have all the freedom you need to create and explore!

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Osria | Dark Fantasy Roleplay | 1.18.2

    Osria | Dark Fantasy Roleplay | 1.18.2

    New Minecraft Servers

    Osria | Dark Fantasy Roleplay | 1.18.2 Minecraft Server

    ≪ °❈° ≫ ≪ °❈° ≫ ≪ °❈° ≫ ≪ °❈° ≫ ≪ °❈° ≫ ≪ °❈° ≫ ≪ °❈° ≫ ≪ °❈° ≫ ≪ °❈° ≫ ≪ °❈° ≫ ≪ °❈° ≫ ≪ °❈° ≫

    Osria | Dark Fantasy Roleplay | 1.18.2 Minecraft Server

    Welcome to Osria, Seekers!

    Osira Roleplay is a 16+ whitelist Dark Fantasy server dedicated to a ttrpg roleplay style that encouraged a coorperative environment where players are encouraged to use their strategy thinking, building and progressing their characters through levels and preparing character gear to help them easier in events. Our community and roleplay styles is mainly centered around Player versus Environment where players will engage in story lines according to either players, regions or server arcs.

    ≪ °❈° Features of the server include °❈° ≫

    Do you wish to create your own story? How about being able to craft items? Engage in events and level your character to the best of their abilities? You can do that here!

      Realmseeker System – Realmseeker is a system designed for customization and simplicity. It takes dnd 5e and pathfinder elements and build your own class system mixing them together. Realmseeker has over dozen races, 5 themes to base a class around, and largely freeing crafting system that is easy to use. It is an evolving system that gets update and balancing as needed.
      Discord – While our main platform for roleplay is on a minecraft server, half of progression, communication, community and applications are done through our discord servers! Discord makes it far easier for players to engage with our staff members within their own channels about the path of the characters depending on which Branch of Progression they go or what story they want to tell and for easy discussions and fast approvals. Our discords are also where players can interact with each other, share stories or funny roleplay moments or engage in any community activities.
      Crafting – Players are able to craft their own items or sell them accordingly. This crafting system is apart of the Realmseeker System. People submit their applications in their own channels and are able to create whatever they wish, so long as they have the materials! Players can make alchemy potions, enchanting items weapons, armour, guns, airships, sea ships, even invent entirely new inventions!
      Settlements – Settlments are Osria’s player regions! You can choose to become your own settlement and grow to become an empire through roleplay and dedication.
      Character Creation – Players are able to pursue their own character stories and where they would like to take their characters. Their alignment and stories will always impact events, arcs and even specific areas or items that may trigger and event line.
      Events – The environment within the roleplay world is alive with NPCs and creatures. You are able to explore the world through events run by dms and begin your adventures in Sunnydale (spawn) or any player regions that arise. Events are often triggered by player actions and will create interesting arcs for character development, character involvement and world building simply by having your character purpuse what they desire.

    Like what you see? Join us on Osria here; [Forum Link] | [Discord Link]
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    New Minecraft Server
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  • Focused Survival

    Focused Survival

    New Minecraft Servers

    Best SURVIVAL server in BRAZIL!

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