New Minecraft Servers
national debates Minecraft Servers

national debates

  • Crafty Guns & Ammo Shop

    Crafty Guns & Ammo Shop

    New Minecraft Servers

    yOu gUyS, yOu gOtTa jOiN tHiS mInEcRaFt SeRvEr, iT’s LiT aF! LiKe, tHeRe’S sO mAnY gUnS aNd AmMo, iT’s LiKe a WaR zOnE! yOu CaN bUiLd yOuR oWn aRmY aNd CoNqUeR tHe WoRlD! pLuS, wE hAvE cRaZy MiNiGaMeS lIkE hIdE aNd sEeK wHeRe yOu HaVe To FiNd ThE gUnS bEfOrE yOu GeT bLaStEd! aNd DoN’t EvEn GeT mE sTaRtEd oN tHe CrAzY sToRiEs aBoUt tHe DiSaPpEaRiNg DiAmOnDs aNd ThE zOmBiE aPoCaLyPsE tHaT hApPeNeD lAsT wEeK! sO jOiN nOw aNd lEt’S gO cRaFt SoMe MaYhEm!

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Smp reborn

    Smp reborn

    New Minecraft Servers

    A fun survival server with many interesting twists and added features, and an amazing and friendly community that is welcome to all kinds of people. So join in, have some fun, and make some new friends.

    New Minecraft Server
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  • For The Crown

    For The Crown

    New Minecraft Servers

    For The Crown is a SMP server.

    Everyone can create their own shops to buy or sell items. These shops are very user-friendly and easy to set up!

    You can protect your land by claiming. It makes sure your builds are safe and can’t be griefed.

    Go into the yellow portal to go to a random location.

    Region poles allow you to let other people visit your base if you want to invite them. They are scattered throughout the world.

    Hope to see you here 🙂 IP:

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP

  • MetaNerds


    New Minecraft Servers

    Just another RPG server. We plan on getting heroes working ASAP so you can have a advanced Race/Class system in 1.16.4! It has McMMO for skills as well, and we plan on adding quests as the server progresses. Basically, we are trying to make a true RPG experience in minecraft.

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Survival esl

    Survival esl

    New Minecraft Servers

    Survival ESL

    Game Versions : 1.8x to 1.20.x

    All Hypixel GameModes(not complete yet)

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Desert Dogs Gaming

    Desert Dogs Gaming

    New Minecraft Servers

    Greetings! Are you looking for a new guild? Do you play other games and wish you knew other people to play with? Looking for a long term and chill community? Desert Dogs Gaming is focused on building connections and friendships that grow not just in one game, but can evolve and span across many games and communities. Our player’s want more than just a bunch of random people to join them in games, but people who actually care and want to be there. Our active player base is just over 20 people, and we’d all love to see if you fit into our community! We also welcome non-players who want to focus more on social activities

    New Minecraft Server
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  • MidNite


    New Minecraft Servers

    This is a ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE with non stop action!

    Only adventure here if you are brave and have what it takes!

    Server Like never seen before!

    Airdrops! Looting allover the map! PvP fights for that loot! PvE with zombies, hordes of zombies, zombie bosses! NON PAY TO WIN SERVER!

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Forgerysmp


    New Minecraft Servers

    The ForgerySMP is a brand-new Minecraft server! We have built our community on strong morals of being; friendly to new players, respectful, and honest. This community we have built is one of the most friendly and newbie-friendly places on minecraft! I assure you, The ForgerySMP is the right place for you. Why? – You may be asking, We offer free perks, crates, and ranks to active players. The economy is completely player-based so there is NO set economy!!

    New Minecraft Server
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  • FieryForge


    New Minecraft Servers

    Welcome to FieryForge! 1.8.9 This server includes fun minigames to play such as: KitPvP (with crates) Survival Skyblock

    Our discord can also help you out if you have any bugs or reports!

    The server owner is Articulis so ask him if you have a issue you would like to report!

    New Minecraft Server
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  • TrinityCraft


    New Minecraft Servers

    TrinityCraft is a server that specialises in creating a prime and complete Factions, skyblock experience and more for all to enjoy.

    Factions include: – McMMO – Landclaiming, RP and PvP – Player Vaults – Kits – GUI Shop – Voting and Voting Crates Skyblock include: -kits -Is level -GUI Shop

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Kitty mc

    Kitty mc

    New Minecraft Servers

    “Kitty MC” is a Minecraft server that has been designed specifically for Iranian players. Similar to servers from other countries, Kitty MC offers a variety of features such as crate systems, economy systems, claim systems, chat games, and much more. One of the main benefits of playing on Kitty MC is that it provides a community for Iranian players to engage with each other in a shared gaming experience. Additionally, the server offers a safe and moderated environment for players to explore and build in, without the worry of griefing or other negative actions. Kitty MC also provides a unique gameplay experience with its custom features, which includes mini-games, quests, and events that players can participate in. These features help to keep the gameplay fresh and exciting, while also encouraging player interaction and collaboration. Overall, Kitty MC is a great choice for Iranian Minecraft players who are looking for a fun and engaging server to play on, with a strong community and unique gameplay features.

    New Minecraft Server
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