New Minecraft Servers
minemod Minecraft Servers


  • Vanguard kingdoms

    Vanguard kingdoms

    New Minecraft Servers

    Vanguard is a Kingdom building server, combining aspects of Factions and Towny, with a revolutionary new Siege system utilizing set Raiding Periods, Cannons, Chunk Shields, a central Siege objective, and much more! To survive the world of Verra, you will not only need to face dangerous mobs, but venture deep into dangerous dungeons, guarded by powerful Bosses. Only by building a strong Kingdom, making allies, and discovering unique crafting recipes will you be able to flourish. Will you become part of a great Empire, or will you create your own Kingdom and make your mark on Verra?

    Join us today!



    Java Ip:

    Bedrock IP: Port: 19132

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP

  • Ulteria MC

    Ulteria MC

    New Minecraft Servers

    Welcome to UlteriaMC, We’re an tropical themed skyblock server striving to bring you the greatest mc experience we can. We’re a newly revamped server with an amazing growing community that is very keen and friendly. We’re also based in Australia but of course everyone is welcome. We bring the best features we can, these range from slimefun, reward crates, giveaways, sell chests, minions and so much more! Our friendly staff team is always here to help no matter what your trouble is! And of course we’re still recruiting more friendly staff eager to help others! Thank you for taking your time to read and we hope to see you online!

    Discord: Store:

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP

  • Shyminers RolePlay server Minecraft server

    Shyminers RolePlay server Minecraft server

    New Minecraft Servers

    To enter the server, you need to go to our Discord. Apply and start playing!

    • Version 1.20.1

    • A world without Vipa

    • Sitting on blocks, a pub, protection for chests and shulkers

    • Lack of private access to the territory.

    • Its own Economy on the server, there are factions, a city, banks

    • Admins do not interfere with your game if you follow the rules

    • There is no rule of three. No aggression, no griefing, no lag machines

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP

  • Your Hermitcraft

    Your Hermitcraft

    New Minecraft Servers

    Your Hermitcraft (You must apply in the PlanetMinecraft comments section [ ]or our discord to join)

    Your Hermitcraft is a 1.16.1 Minecraft vanilla server. We offer over 50 datapacks to make Minecraft a more pleasant experience. These are some of our useful datapacks here: One player sleeping to daytime, player heads, mob heads, unique mobs, craft flint back into gravel, and loads more!

    Everyone is equal on Your Hermitcraft. Even the owner is set to the same rank as you. We all have equal command access, such as: home set, access to warps, and miscellaneous features such as /hat. Everyone including the owner is automatically de-opped upon joining the server. No childish staff members, no staff randomly teleporting to you, and most importantly no drama — just play!

    Fear not, if you’re unfamiliar with what hermitcraft is, there’s several players just like you on here who still don’t know what hermitcraft is. So, you’re more than welcome to join us! And, for those of you who do know, well, Your Hermitcraft is your opportunity to experience a slightly altered vanilla server like your favorite Hermits on Hermitcraft! We’re a small community looking for anyone who can sit down, and enjoy Minecraft for a long amount of time. Everyone’s really easy to get along with, so apply to join our whitelist.

    We’re not looking for a huge player-base. We do have a whitelist, and we’d love for you to take this opportunity to join us! Please submit an application on our Planet Minecraft server page, in the comments section. Thank you for reading!

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP

  • Awyega


    New Minecraft Servers

    Awyega – Custom items, mobs, bosses, dungeons, and more!Join our discord! –

    IP –


    The server utilizes a custom resource pack that will be applied upon joining

    We are a new server where you can focus on PvP, adventure on your own, build whatever you want till your hearts content, or join a faction! We offer factions as well as custom items, gear, and skills to keep you invested in the server. We know there are a lot of servers out there you can play on and we appreciate you stopping by and giving us a try. I take any and all suggestions into consideration and am always open to changes. I have also set up a tutorial block in spawn that goes over most of the features of our server.

    — Current Features —FactionsGreat communityDungeons with custom loot (naturally spawning, some hand placed, and many teleports)Two arenas to test your skill!Custom building items and decorationCustom bosses and mobsRandom structure spawningHundreds of random eventsAuction HouseOther than don’t hack there are no rulesShops GUICustom Crates (as well as a free daily one!)Friendly staff that take all suggestions seriouslyAbility to get keys for chests randomlyCustom Armor, Weapons, and ItemsSkills to level up your gameplayCustom enchantmentsJobs & leaderboardsRealistic Fire and ExplosionsAutoSellChestsLevelled MobsCustom item drops (rare occassions)Set Bounties

    Feel free to stop by!

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP

  • DragonBallCreative Minecraft

    DragonBallCreative Minecraft

    New Minecraft Servers

    Thanks to your votes our DragonBallCreative Minecraft community manages to grow more and more and become more recognized!

    Enjoy our server and have fun with your friends in our modalities and updates! We have amazing DragonBall creations, a friendly and supportive Staff, an active community, and an active forum. The server is premium and accessible with any version [1.8 – 1.17.x]

    We currently offer the following game modes on our network: – Survival – Creative – Skywars

    Join now!

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP

  • 🔥HiNEX – VANILLA!! Bedrock/Java 1.20+ 🔥 Minecraft server

    🔥HiNEX – VANILLA!!  Bedrock/Java 1.20+ 🔥 Minecraft server

    New Minecraft Servers

    Our server is semi-vanilla survival. Available with both Java and Bedrock!

    Bedrock: IP: Port: 25575

    Java: IP: Port: 25575

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP

  • DeafexMC


    New Minecraft Servers

    DeafexMC. A minecraft server with survival(released) and Skyblock(wip). The goal of DeafexMC is to become the best and biggest server hosted with Aternos free server hosting. DafexMC also has pvp enabled!

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP

  • Tuturcraft


    New Minecraft Servers

    Tuturcraft is a survival Minecraft server with custom plugins and an incredible reward system!

    So don’t wait any longer and connect to tuturcraft

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP

  • BlackFire Survival

    BlackFire Survival

    New Minecraft Servers

    BlackFire Survival is a Survival Vanilla+ Server that includes many different plugins to make Vanilla Survival more fun! Join the server if you want a fresh take on the Survival Vanilla+ experience.

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP