manga that I regret Minecraft Servers

2024 Best manga that I regret New Minecraft Servers

  • Bending Masters | RPG Survival And Avatar Bending

    Bending Masters | RPG Survival And Avatar Bending
    Bending Masters

    In this server you can control the elements, Fire, Earth, Water or Air… And Spirits!

    *Features all with Bending*
    – Mob Arenas –– Fast Paced Arena PvP –– Towny Focused Survival –– Big Dungeons –– Bounties –– Quests –– World Edit –– EULA Compliant –

    All possible choices in the server:Fire : The strongest element, ready to incinerate anything in its path.Earth : The sturdiest element, ready to face anything head-on.Water : The element of change, use your enemies strength against them.Air : The fastest element, swift as the wind and light as a feather, the untouchable.Chi Blocker : The always moving strategist with the power to take your powers away in a single punch.Spirit : This prankster is always on the move, slowly chipping you away.Dark Spirit : The brutal force of a Dark Spirit is on par with fires destruction capabilities.Light Spirit : The support helps his allies survive whatever comes at them.

    Just like in the “The Legend of Korra” or “The Legend of Aang TV Show” the server focuses on how precise and fast you can use your bending abilities.

    In survival abilities like, SeismicSense allow you to see trough walls, be it to locate dangerous mobs or diamond ore, others like WakeFishing allows you to take fish out of water and HeatControl to cook food or cool down fire and lava, all these will help you in survival. But the most fun part about bending is that it boundaries are only limited by your imagination.There is alot to learn in-game and a small tutorial is available at spawn, so join in and start bending today. In addition, becoming a master grants you all the sub elements for the main element.

    Discord :

    Server IP

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP – Click to COPY

  • Janitor’s Closet SMP: A Server Where Mops are Mightier than Swords

    Janitor’s Closet SMP: A Server Where Mops are Mightier than Swords

    Minecraft Server Overview

    Main Goal To provide fun worldbuilding via roleplay, nations, and conflict
    Community Friendly and accepting of all peoples, with in-game community events
    Application Process Submit an application discussing your plans for interaction and lore

    FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions

    Question Answer
    How can I join the server? Join our Discord server and follow the application process
    What kind of roleplay is allowed? We encourage deep connections between nations and characters, and creating history for your character
    Are there rules for behavior on the server? Yes, we have rules in place to ensure a friendly and enjoyable experience for everyone
    Can I create my own town or nation? Absolutely! We encourage players to build their own stories and interact with others
    Is there a minimum age requirement? We welcome players of all ages, as long as they follow our rules

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP – Click to COPY

  • MineCraic – Big Indies, Small World

    MineCraic – Big Indies, Small World
    Welcome to the most exclusive Minecraft server for indie vtubers with 500 viewers or more! Why join, you ask? Well, because we are the VIPs of the virtual world, where big names like Vei and Limealicious hang out with us mere mortals. Want to shill your 499view oshi? As long as they’re a Twitch partner or YouTube equivalent, they’re welcome here!

    But wait, what about those corpo vtubers? Don’t worry, as long as they don’t own talent IPs and have less than 1000 CCV, they can join the party too! Need some Twitch clips or VOD archival guides? We got you covered. Plus, we have a Chuuba Birthday Calendar because who doesn’t want to celebrate Dya Rikku’s birthday in style?

    New Minecraft Servers - MineCraic - Big Indies, Small World

    And if that’s not enough, we have ducks. Yes, you heard me right, ducks. So come join us on this wild adventure of indie vtubers, Minecraft style. Previous Thread: >>75105636 (Disclaimer: Ducks not actually in Minecraft server, but a man can dream, right?)

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP – Click to COPY

  • Crafty McCraftface: The Almighty Server of Epicness

    Crafty McCraftface: The Almighty Server of Epicness
    Are you tired of being hunted and penned in an inglorious spot like a hog? Do you want to show those mad and hungry dogs who’s boss? Then join our Minecraft server and let’s nobly die together in epic battles against the monsters that dare defy us!

    Picture this: you and your kinsmen facing off against a common foe, outnumbered but still showing bravery. For every thousand blows they deal, we’ll deal one epic death-blow! Even if the open grave lies before us, we’ll face the murderous, cowardly pack like true warriors, pressed to the wall but fighting back with all our might.

    So what are you waiting for? Join our server now and let’s show those monsters who’s boss in the most epic Minecraft battles you’ve ever seen! Let’s die nobly together and make those dogs bark in fear at our accursèd lot!

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP – Click to COPY

  • LockedMC – Classic Prison Server

    LockedMC – Classic Prison Server
    We are LockedMC, a prison server with all the necessary fundamentals with more flavour on top.We try to combine two different audiences in one server, with the fundamentals that make OP Prisons ever so addicting, flavoured with a focus on social interaction and community building. One could compare it to someone taking the best parts of an OP Prison server and a PvP Factions server, and combining them into a wonderchild.That wonderchild is LockedMC.

    Join our discord to stay updated:


    A classic grinding experience

    This server can be exactly like the prison servers you used to know & love, which is why it’s so great!Do you like grinding your way to the top rank with mining? Perfectly possible!Do you want to do something else than mining? No problem!We offer a complex system to make money, with hidden recipes that when found can be used to deal things to other prisoners. Items are actually useful too, with effects like mining boosts, pvp advantages or XP boosts – or some just offer a trip with fun effects. You can also mine with your shovel, since Dirt and Gravel have a chance of dropping rarer blocks than any regular mine. .

    The premise is simple: It’s just as addicting as OP Prison with practically the same grind format, but it offers a lot more diversity and different ways to effectively make money.

    Focus on PvP

    Grinding is cool, and everyone should be able to enjoy it in their own time – but PvP used to also be a vital part of most prison servers. We’re looking to bring this back by offering high incentive to PvP other players, getting shanked in prison is just daily business after all. For Season 1 we’ll be supporting a full 1.8 PvP system – with a grind implemented to get some of those famous “god apples”. Changes to PvP come with every season, with these changes we listen to our community and change things according to their preference. (Future ideas would be bed pvp, crystal pvp, totems, 1.9+ pvp)

    PvP needs to be enjoyable, not frustrating, and players need incentive to do it.Participating – but most importantly winning – in PvP nets unique rewards that can not be obtained elsewhere.We boast 3 PvP zones, each with their own incentive – KOTH, Envoys & Black Market – and a Gangs feature to allow players to team up and take those rewards in a group.

    Social Endgame

    What people want most is to “be better” than someone else. Have the most money, have the most power, social status is the most satisfying endgame for every player in Minecraft.We made it a feature, by focussing on social engineering as a ways of obtaining more power in Prison.

    First of are Guards and Wardens, they are players who’ve applied for those roles.They play the game just like you – but instead of being in Gangs they simply consider themselves the authority in Prison.Are you the kind of person who wants power without working for it? That’s exactly what Guards are and do, welcome to the team! Don’t like that? Work hard to change things, and eventually you’ll amass way more power by taking control of Prison as a Gang.

    Guards patrol around looking for Contraband – if they catch you, you’ll have to drop it or face time in Solitary.Had it with those pesky Guards? Time to group up with a few inmates and try to kill one in the yard.They’ll drop a unique set of powerful armour if you succeed, but it won’t be easy.

    For players who don’t join the authority (Guards & Wardens) – endgame is all about our Gangs feature.Anyone can be recruited by a Gang for protection, but only people with max rank can be in the upper ranks of Gangs and create them. Gangs offer many gameplay features – from PvP to Headquarters – but in the end it’s all about getting more influence and taking over Prison with your Gang.

    Server IP

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  • The Nut House: A Vanilla Sanctuary for Adults in Season 5 with Dynmap and Whitelist

    The Nut House: A Vanilla Sanctuary for Adults in Season 5 with Dynmap and Whitelist
    Feature Description
    Dynmap 15K x 15k World Border with Expansions
    No AFK Kick No automatic kick for being AFK
    Active Discord Active, Friendly, and Welcoming Discord
    Build Team Server Build Team – Applications Encouraged
    Events Frequent and Engaging Events
    Shopping District Beautiful Shopping District, Nether Hub, Portal Room Plans
    End Dimension Frequent resets for Elytra Finding
    No Cheating Strict no cheating policy
    Experienced Staff 5th season with experienced and friendly staff
    Proximity Chat Optional proximity chat available


    How can I apply to join the Minecraft server?

    You can apply by joining our Discord server using the link provided above. Once in the Discord, you can fill out a quick application to become a part of our community.

    Is there a world border on the server?

    Yes, there is a 15K x 15k world border with expansions available for players to explore and build within.

    Are there any automatic AFK kicks on the server?

    No, there are no automatic AFK kicks on the server, allowing players to take breaks as needed without being kicked from the game.

    Are there any events or competitions on the server?

    Yes, we frequently host engaging events such as base tours, build competitions, and game nights for our community to enjoy.

    How often is the End dimension reset for Elytra finding?

    The End dimension is frequently reset to allow players the opportunity to find Elytra and explore new challenges.

    Is cheating allowed on the server?

    No, cheating is strictly prohibited on the server. Our staff actively check for X-ray cheats to maintain a fair playing environment for all players.

    Is there a proximity chat feature available?

    Yes, there is an optional proximity chat feature available on the server for players to utilize during gameplay.

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP – Click to COPY

  • Quickland VS Hypixel

    Quickland VS Hypixel
    Hypixel Quickland
    Pros Pros
    Large player base – No lag
    – Wide variety of minigames – Fun and engaging community
    – Well-maintained server Active staff members
    Cons Cons
    – Premium account required to access all features – Limited game modes compared to Hypixel

    Hypixel FAQs:

    1. What makes Hypixel stand out from other Minecraft servers?
    2. Hypixel is known for its large player base, wide variety of minigames, and well-maintained server.

    3. Do I need a premium Minecraft account to play on Hypixel?
    4. Yes, a premium Minecraft account is required to access all features on Hypixel.

    Quickland FAQs:

    1. What sets Quickland apart from other Minecraft servers?
    2. Quickland prides itself on having no lag, a fun and engaging community, and active staff members.

    3. What game modes does Quickland offer?
    4. Quickland offers a variety of game modes including Survival 1.12 with Slimefun, Survival OP, Skywars, Ffa, Creativo, OneBlock, and more.

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP – Click to COPY

  • TroyCraft: Where Even the Greeks Can’t Resist!

    TroyCraft: Where Even the Greeks Can’t Resist!
    Are you tired of boring old Minecraft servers with the same old stuff? Well, look no further because our server is like Total War Troy on steroids! Join us for epic battles, mythical creatures, and a quest for the ultimate Minecraft victory!

    Picture this: you’re mining for diamonds when suddenly a Minotaur appears and challenges you to a duel. Or maybe you stumble upon a hidden temple filled with treasure guarded by a pack of angry Cyclops. And don’t even get me started on the epic boss battles that await you in our server.

    New Minecraft Servers - TroyCraft: Where Even the Greeks Can't Resist!

    But that’s not all! Our server also has custom plugins that allow you to ride on the back of a griffin, summon a kraken to do your bidding, and even transform into a powerful demigod with god-like powers. Trust me, you’ve never experienced Minecraft like this before.

    So if you’re ready for a wild ride full of adventure, danger, and plenty of laughs, then join our server today. Who knows what crazy antics and epic battles await you in this one-of-a-kind Minecraft experience!

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP – Click to COPY

  • Reel SMP – No Fishy Business Allowed!

    Reel SMP – No Fishy Business Allowed!
    SMP Server Information
    Server Name REEL SMP
    Description A vanilla Minecraft experience where a community can come together. Striving to go beyond past SMPS by mashing a variety of personalities together to create unique content.
    Server Release Date May 13th
    Server Version 1.20.4 Paper
    Server Application Application Form

    FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

    1. Do I need to be a content creator to join this server?

    No, you do not need to be a content creator to join the REEL SMP server.

    2. What is the server release date?

    The server is set to be released on May 13th.

    3. What server version is being used?

    The server is using version 1.20.4 Paper.

    4. How can I apply to join the SMP?

    To apply to join the SMP, fill out the application form at the provided link.

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP – Click to COPY