New Minecraft Servers
lukhash Minecraft Servers


  • Fallout The Last Frontier

    Fallout The Last Frontier

    New Minecraft Servers

    Fallout: The Last Frontier is a serious post-apocalyptic role play server based in the Alaskan Wasteland. We aim to provide quality a Fallout role play experience that many types of players can enjoy. Compared to Fallout role play servers of the past, we plan to keep provide quality post-apocalyptic role play for an extensive amount of time that we hope can be forever. So join us in this amazing experience and apply today.

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  • Valenmines


    New Minecraft Servers

    The worlds first Meet Cute Minecraft server. We focus on social interaction and meeting new people. You could call us a dating server. I mean, you could…. We also run Slimefun!!

    We now have vote crates! Every vote will get you a key to open a crate. Come and try your luck with our vote crates!

    New in-game money rank system. Come buy ranks with in-game money!

    New Survival Slimefun Server online running 1.12!!

    That’s right, ranks for in-game money! Check it out!

    Check out our new youtube channel.

    Welcome new players!

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  • Ratolandia


    New Minecraft Servers

    Ratolandia was created not by me but by Ratovelho, very cool with skywars, full pvp, survival, pvp kit. The server is not crowded and is very cool, just don’t use a hack as it is quite boring to play with a hack, the server website is, and the forum for complaints and SERVER FOR 1.7.5

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  • Pixelmon Un-Linked

    Pixelmon Un-Linked

    New Minecraft Servers


    IP: Like a really good pixelmon server to play at. Really.

    New Minecraft Server
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  • The GoldSkulls

    The GoldSkulls

    New Minecraft Servers

    Funf factions,creative,pvp and more have a blast Please have fun if you dont leave no hacking no xray no annoing

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  • Pawers SMP

    Pawers SMP

    New Minecraft Servers

    Welcome to the Pawers SMP!

    The Pawers SMP is a server made to be safe space for everyone. Somewhere to hangout with others; to make a new friend group. Somewhere you can be accepted for who you are

    RulesAccept members for who they are and don’t dislike anyone for who they are.No griefing, stealing or messing with other peoples bases and/or builds.No teaming up on nor singling out members.Cheating, including using modified clients, may result in a banPlugins

      DiscordSRVEzHomesGSitSimple TPASkoiceViaBackwardsViaVersion

    Plugin Commands

      /tpa | Ask to teleport to another player/tpahere | Ask another player to teleport to you/tpaccept (/tpyes) | Accept a teleport request/tpdeny | Deny a teleport request
      /sethome | Set a new home
      /respawnhome | Set a new home and spawnpoint
      /homes | See your list of homes
      /delhome | Delete one of your homes
      /home | Teleport to one of your homes
      /back | Teleport where you last teleported from

      Server supports Minecraft versions 1.8.9-1.20.4

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  • GameCore Platform

    GameCore Platform

    New Minecraft Servers

    Welcome to GameCore, We are a Semi-Vanilla Community & We enjoy being one! Plugins are not much basically Simple ones like ClearLagg. NoCheatPlus. RandomTP Lockette Vote and many others! Hope you enjoy your stay! Website:

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  • LegoWelt – SMP and Creative – 1.20.2 – JAVA and BEDROCK!

    LegoWelt – SMP and Creative – 1.20.2 – JAVA and BEDROCK!

    New Minecraft Servers

    NEW WORLD STARTED Friday 08.12.2023!

    Are you looking for a strong, active community of mature and friendly players to play Minecraft with? Take a closer look at the LegoWelt community – we celebrated our 3 year anniversary in February this year, and boast around 10-15 players on every day with new gamers joining every week!

    We are a community with a great passion for Minecraft. It doesn’t matter if you’re a builder, redstoner, mini-game maker, hoarder or the casual minecrafter, everyone is welcome.

    Part of what makes LegoWelt such a unique place is the all-inclusive experience unlike any other:

    – Terralith and Structory world generation using only vanilla blocks.– Adjusted loot tables with additional rare tools and potions (efficiency 7, fortune 4, unbreaking 4, haste 3 etc.) to motivate players to explore the world and get inspired. Nothing is overpowered and has their limits.– Integrated creative world for testing and planning builds alone or with others.– A regularly-resetting mining/resource world for exploring and resource gathering. We are currently running a Treasure Crates plugin in the mining world where simply mining has a chance of spawning great loot!– A wide selection of cosmetic armor, elytra and tools (purchased with diamonds or free-to-earn LegoBricks).– Replica of VintageBeef’s Trading Card Game with tournaments, modified by the Tech team to include players from LegoWelt.– Custom warp portals for travelling long distances (purchased with diamonds or free-to-earn LegoBricks).– A separate tech server where huge and innovative farms are constantly in development– A dedicated map art area for building huge custom map arts (our current largest is a 3×3).– Strong diamond-based economy with player shops selling items and services.– An enthusiastic, helpful and friendly staff team that maintains the server, prevents against griefing and stealing and generally helps players– Free to play, absolutely no pay to win/pay to play.– Chat reporting disabled – This is a safe place to be in!– Hosted in Europe (but our community spans the whole globe).

    We aim to uphold an atmosphere where it feels like we are one big family, enjoying playing our favourite game together. A warm welcome is given to every new player and all voices are heard – anyone is allowed to suggest new additions, changes or host events of any kind!

    Our Minecraft server runs on Paper MC to ensure a stable multiplayer server. We also run a few moderation plugins, to ensure nobody is griefing or cheating. We log everything everyone does. You do not have to be afraid of getting griefed! Your items and builds are always safe!


    Join our Discord here:

    See you soon!

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  • Craft Empire

    Craft Empire

    New Minecraft Servers

    Do you like Factions and PVP? If your answer is yes you came to the right place. CraftEmpire offers you a lot of plugins that are here to make your gameplay fun and more enjoyable. Some of our plugins are Factions,MCMMO,Economy…

    Make your story and be the strongest in the realm and join:

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  • Freebuilders


    New Minecraft Servers

    Freebuilders is a gaming community in which mature players enjoy pure vanilla Minecraft. This means that we’re a Survival Multiplayer (SMP) server with the slightest of tweaks to improve gameplay. The game play is survival with a few smart commands here and there (like /lottery). Our goal is to make a beautiful end to end server experience–from the server’s subreddit and the new user feel, to things like the uptime and server performance. Community is also a crucial component of Freebuilders, and we strive to keep the community clean of immature players. To that end, we use a whitelist to screen players. Strictly speaking, we’re a 16+ server (unless younger players can show maturity). If an issue does occur, we can use a plugin called Prism to roll back the damage. Finally, we run weekly challenges and a monthly podcast ( to keep the community engaged and to award bonus permissions. We’re constantly improving our server experience, inside and out.

    Everything has been meticulously set up. Now it’s just up to you to join us!

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