New Minecraft Servers
is important to us Minecraft Servers

is important to us

  • Kaizen LifestealSMP

    Kaizen LifestealSMP

    New Minecraft Servers

    Experience the thrill of Kaizen LifestealSMP! An engaging 1.19.4 SMP server offering unique features such as leveling up hearts & accounts, coin shop for tags & ranks, 15x skills to level up, team strategy, resource renewal, arena duels, KOTH events, leaderboards, lottery, 50+ quests, balanced economy shop, and much more. Join us today!

    New Minecraft Server
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  • TribalPvP


    New Minecraft Servers

    Come over to TribalPvP for lots of fun and new experiences.Features:- In-Game buyable ranks- /f fly- Chunkbusters- Mobcoins- SellSticks – Gambling (coinflip, bar gambling, jackpots, money pouches)- Special Spawners- mcMMO- VoidChest- Crates- Shockwave Tools- CropHoppers- Special Mob Drops- Scaffolds- PvP Arena- Flat Worlds- Small Map DimensionsIP: tribalpvp.meStore:

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Survival server sk

    Survival server sk

    New Minecraft Servers


    Port: 36717

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Heroes Reborn

    Heroes Reborn

    New Minecraft Servers

    HEROES REBORN MINECRAFT MMORPG SERVER MULTIPLAYER: The Best Heroes RPG Minecraft server. Many Classes to chose from! Paladin, Ranger, Wizard, Cleric and more! Many Professions! Engineer, Smith, Farmer, Merchant and more! Many Skills! Cast Fireball, Backflip, Bolt and 200 more! Custom Mobs and Items! Towns! MAGIC! MELEE! PvP! MMORPG! Enjoy a truly RPG experience in a Minecraft World!

    Level up and gain attribute points to spend. Customize your character as you level to obtain the game style you like. If you like Dungeon Dragons and Minecraft this is the server for you!

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Alligator Craft

    Alligator Craft

    New Minecraft Servers

    Alligator Craft aims to give you something much different than any other networks: For example a place to enjoy and spend time with your friends or a place to clear your mind. Our community is ready to welcome you into our family and we will be happy about it !

    Features that we use on our server: -Jobs,Mcmmo,Crates,Playtime Ranks,Auction House and many more.

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Crmc


    New Minecraft Servers

    My server is pocket+java+bedrock please join my server any problem join my discord server and ask me

    For java


    For bedrock and pe


    Port 45841

    New Minecraft Server
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  • ERS Server

    ERS Server

    New Minecraft Servers

    Plugins: AAC EpicSpawners WildTP UltimateShops And many more!! We are also looking for staff. When you vote/invite people you will get a reward in game.

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Cubecastle Skyblock

    Cubecastle Skyblock

    New Minecraft Servers

    Hello! We are a skyblock server with things like tier rankups, lots of kits, GUI everything, crates, 1v1 duels, cosmetics, oregen, and much much more! We just launched and are in need of staff! Come join!

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Chaotic paradise

    Chaotic paradise

    New Minecraft Servers

    Chaotic Paradise is a high-quality SMP with a friendly community, active staff, and awesome players like you! We have some QOL plugins like Essentials and Claim plugins. The server also has a grief prevention and rollback plugin to stop any griefers from ruining the fun, and a discord where you can get assistance or just share your progress!If you’re looking for a chill place to chill and have some fun, Chaotic Paradise is the place for you! Hope to see you online!

    JAVA IP: server is for 1.20.1 or 1.20)

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Jailbirds Network

    Jailbirds Network

    New Minecraft Servers


    Jailbirds Network is an upcoming Minecraft Prison Server, ensuring the best among all the other prison servers! We are mainly focused on the Prison and PvP fields for everyone in the server to enjoy.

    >> Old school prison style >> Prison Themed Builds >> Guards, Gangs and Guns >> Economy and PvP ranks >> 1.8 Combat Mechanics / 1.16 items

    Join our 1.16.5 BETA server (compatible with previous versions) TODAY!

    New Minecraft Server
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