Tekno mc
Server IP: oyna.teknomc.netDragonMC
Savage new server needs staff the versions are 1.10 1.10.2 1.10.1 and please vote for the server…………………………
ServerPolish Polski ServerPolish Polski ServerPolish Polski ServerPolish Polski ServerPolish Polski ServerPolish Polski ServerPolish Polski ServerPolish Polski ServerPolish Polski ServerPolish Polski ServerPolish Polski ServerPolish Polski ServerPolish Polski ServerPolish Polski ServerPolish Polski Server
Server IP: play.AtomNetwork.euplay.AtomNetwork.eu
Dragon Bloc Xenoverse
A dragon block c server, mod requirements : DBC Furniture mod Custom npcs Family c Years C ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————–
Select between 1 and 5 tags to best describe your servera ert gr tfaefRf af a ff af aff rf ae fra faref f rawf fe play it
Ay craft
1.8 – 1.19.2 Emek SkyBlock and OP SkyBlock Server
Simple Skyblock
Welcome to Simple Skyblock! This is a brand new Minecraft 1.8 server and our main goal is to make it as simple as possible for its players. With a very friendly and flexible staff we are very open to every players concerns/ideas. This server is currently in BETA mode meaning it is in its early stages and will continue to grow in time with more players and more ideas. As of right now, we do not have a dedicated IP so I apologize for people that get annoyed with that. We are adding multiple things to this server as we continue to grow and update so the SS Staff welcomes you and we hope to make your minecraft experience better than ever!
TrainCraft Factions
Welcome to TrainCraft Factions, its a new server, but right now its whitelisted, we need staff, add me, jd7997dj, or ndl10504 on skype, maybe we’ll let you be staff!
Achievements, Adventure, Auction, Balanced Economy, Pixelmon, Pixelmon Reforged, Pve Survival, Quests, Tournaments, Towny🎉 TheNodeMC Modded Minecraft Servers ReOpened! 🎉
Welcome to TheNodeMC, where we pride ourselves as striving to be the very best Modded Minecraft community! We are currently running:
< * > Pixelmon Reforged IP: play.thenodemc.com
Website: https://www.thenodemc.com
Discord: https://discord.gg/thenodemc
🌎 Server Features – Pixelmon Server and Towny SMP 🌎
– 24/7 uptime!
– A friendly, mature, and helpful staffing team with a brilliant active player community!
– NPC & community-driven gyms!
– 24-hr support ticket system!
– A FREE RANK AND KIT to all our discord members
– DAILY rare candies, vote keys and a FREE shiny!
– Discord contests and giveaways!
– RPG Trainer leveling and Pokedex rewards!
– Great donor perks and rewards!
– Weekly events and minigames open to all players!
– Nations, No need to worry about griefers, create towns with friends! So what are you waiting for?!
Come join our growing family at play.thenodemc.com