Best HiTech Minecraft Servers 2024

  • Souls of World – DTechnoMagic-RPG Minecraft server

    Souls of World – DTechnoMagic-RPG Minecraft server

    DraconicTechnoMagicRPG is a server that combines elements of technology, magic and role-playing games. Here you can immerse yourself in a fascinating world where technology and magic combine to create something incredible!

    The DraconicTechnoMagicRPG server has a huge number of mods that add new features and items. Here you can create unique mechanisms using the most modern technologies, or learn to use magic spells to achieve your goals.

    Here you can create your character and go on an exciting journey around the world, completing quests, fighting monsters and improving your skills. There are many different factions on the server that you can choose to gain unique features and advantages.

    The DraconicTechnoMagicRPG server is a place where you can realize your dreams of living in an amazing world where technology and magic come together to create incredible opportunities for creativity and adventure!

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Unfinity Evolved Minecraft server

    Unfinity Evolved Minecraft server

    Unfinity – this assembly includes mods of all possible directions, which were closely intertwined with crafts and many other modifications, thanks to which an almost perfect balance is maintained here, which will diversify and complicate your gameplay on this server.

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  • DIVINE JOURNEY 2 – FINEMINE Minecraft server

    DIVINE JOURNEY 2 – FINEMINE Minecraft server

    New Minecraft Server
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  • GTNH • HardTech • FINEMINE Minecraft server

    GTNH • HardTech • FINEMINE Minecraft server

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  • Private server LOC by IIS server Minecraft

    Private server LOC by IIS server Minecraft

    Private server Minecraft 1.7.10

    An industrial project based on the well-known Ideal Industrial Assembly from Sapient.

    Friendly team, responsible administration, no privileges.

    IP address:

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  • GregTech NewHorizons A Minecraft server

    GregTech NewHorizons A Minecraft server

    How quickly do you reach the pinnacle of development when playing vanilla Minecraft? What if you play with mods? Now imagine that there is a build that can attract any player not for a month or even for a year.

    Actually, GregTech itself radically complicates the player’s life, changing the principles of ore generation in the world, adding a large number of different machines and mechanisms that allow all transformations of materials.

    Of course, one Buckwheat is not enough, so almost 180 different mods were added that affect various aspects of the game.

    But this was not enough for the creators of the assembly and they completely redid all the recipes and technological transformations, making them closer to those valid in the real world (this becomes especially noticeable when you are doing chemistry and in order to obtain a certain product you have to go through a huge chain of transformations). There are no simple recipes, vanilla recipes are completely disabled. Even to get boards you will have to get a saw, and the yield of boards will be very low.

    Of course, this is good, but how to figure it all out? – you ask.

    In order to understand: how, what, why to do, a book with quests has been added to the game, which explain in detail what is happening in the world and step by step guide you along the path of technical progress, while suggesting what you need to pay attention to at this level. The book has sections dedicated to individual mods that you need to pay attention to (without which technical progress and your development will not be able to grow). It is worth mentioning the fact that for completing tasks you will be rewarded with: various materials, a unique tool, a bag with items from the section for which it was received, quest specific tokens (survival, magic, chemistry, blacksmithing, etc.).

    The book will be with you constantly, it will guide you through the entire chain of development, tell you when you need to do magic, tell you about alternative energy sources, advise you to make certain machines to simplify production, etc.

    Bags with items have their own levels (for example, depending on the energy level), they can be combined in threes to get a bag of the next level, if, of course, you have developed to it.

    Tokens (coins) are used to purchase necessary items, which are gradually unlocked as you progress. They are very helpful when you need to get at some stage expensive or rare materials that you have already discovered.

    Playing GTNH for one person is quite difficult at any stage of development (especially when there is a transition from single-block mechanisms to multi-block, multi-threaded structures), so when playing with friends, you can share responsibilities: a magician, an engineer, a builder, a miner, or together build a huge plant, think over the laying of wires and pipes, calculate locations for installing equipment.

    I was very pleased with the mechanics of space flights. These indescribable feelings at the moment of launch. Space travel will improve your knowledge of astronomy, because not only our solar system is presented here, but also the nearest stars with their planets and satellites. There will also be an opportunity to travel to the closest exoplanet to Earth, Ross 128b.

    For those who do not like to dig ore, there are several solutions to choose from:Breed bees. There is a bee for each ore here.Propagate plants on perches. Crops from IndustrialCraft in this assembly allow you to grow a huge number of plants with different properties and fruits, including the necessary ores.Liquid matter. Why dig and breed something when you can get almost any element using a liquid matter replicator. Liquid matter can be obtained from almost any unnecessary things.

    For creativity, there is a huge number of blocks, as well as various mods that change the textures of blocks, mods that allow you to cut blocks or make blocks of a certain shape from them. Here you can build any buildings in different styles and eras.

    This modpack gives you the opportunity to do what you love for a very long period. Updates are constantly coming out, adding new cars and mechanisms, fixing bugs, adding new quests and even mods.

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  • Dreamfinity Arcanefactory Minecraft server

    Dreamfinity Arcanefactory Minecraft server

    Arcanefactory is a truly unique server for the Dreamfinity project.

    It combines fashions of both magical and technological nature… But that’s not all.

    Many changes have been made to this server, affecting the gameplay at almost all stages. Most key recipes have been modified and complicated, including unique crafting components that you won’t find anywhere else. Almost all the mods present in the assembly are interconnected in one way or another – without one you will not be able to advance in the other, and vice versa. But even this is not all…

    So, what exactly awaits you? Well-known monsters, which previously posed almost no threat, have now acquired unprecedented strength – for many of them it is simply pointless to try to confront one on one, without truly powerful weapons and armor. The more dangerous the places you intend to explore, the more powerful the enemies await you there.

    In return for the noticeably increased difficulty, killing them will reward you with much more experience, as well as, in some cases, unique items.

    It’s worth mentioning the bosses separately – the health of most of them is in the thousands, or even tens of thousands, and they may need no more than a couple of attacks to destroy you. Their servants (if any) are also much stronger than normal monsters.

    However, the reward is often worth the risk – for killing bosses you will receive not only a huge amount of experience and items/resources necessary for development, but also, in some cases, unique artifacts that have truly terrifying power.

    In addition, due to the significantly increased difficulty of obtaining, many items were also endowed with additional, mostly useful properties (in particular, some sets of armor and baubles give a significant increase to the runic shield from the Thaumcraft mod, the mechanics of which were also changed to make it more current).

    New Minecraft Server
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  • ScientificaMC Minecraft server

    ScientificaMC Minecraft server

    Our project may interest you with its vanilla theme, we do not use a wide range of homemade mods, plugins, addons, etc., we try to recreate a game project where any player can feel comfortable, remember the old days when coming from work, school, college we sat down at the PC and played Minecraft.

    New Minecraft Server
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  • GregTech NewHorizons B server Minecraft

    GregTech NewHorizons B server Minecraft
    How quickly do you reach the top of development when playing vanilla Minecraft? What if you play with mods? Now imagine that there is a build that can attract any player not for a month or even for a year.

    Actually, GregTech itself radically complicates the player’s life, changing the principles of ore generation in the world, adding a large number of different machines and mechanisms that allow all transformations of materials.

    Of course, one Buckwheat is not enough, so almost 180 different mods were added that affect various aspects of the game.

    But this was not enough for the creators of the assembly and they completely redid all the recipes and technological transformations, making them closer to those valid in the real world (this becomes especially noticeable when you are doing chemistry and in order to obtain a certain product you have to go through a huge chain of transformations). There are no simple recipes, vanilla recipes are completely disabled. Even to get boards you will have to get a saw, and the yield of boards will be very low.

    Of course, this is good, but how to figure it all out? – you ask.

    In order to understand: how, what, why to do, a book with quests has been added to the game, which explain in detail what is happening in the world and step by step guide you along the path of technical progress, while suggesting what you need to pay attention to at this level. The book has sections dedicated to individual mods that you need to pay attention to (without which technical progress and your development will not be able to grow). It is worth mentioning the fact that for completing tasks you will be rewarded with: various materials, a unique tool, a bag with items from the section for which it was received, quest specific tokens (survival, magic, chemistry, blacksmithing, etc.).

    The book will be with you constantly, it will guide you through the entire chain of development, tell you when you need to do magic, tell you about alternative energy sources, advise you to make certain machines to simplify production, etc.

    Bags with items have their own levels (for example, depending on the energy level), they can be combined in threes to get a bag of the next level, if, of course, you have developed to it.

    Tokens (coins) are used to purchase necessary items, which are gradually unlocked as you progress. They are very helpful when you need to get at some stage expensive or rare materials that you have already discovered.

    Playing GTNH for one person is quite difficult at any stage of development (especially when there is a transition from single-block mechanisms to multi-block, multi-threaded structures), so when playing with friends, you can share responsibilities: a magician, an engineer, a builder, a miner, or together build a huge plant, think over the laying of wires and pipes, calculate locations for installing equipment.

    I was very pleased with the mechanics of space flights. These indescribable feelings at the moment of launch. Space travel will improve your knowledge of astronomy, because not only our solar system is presented here, but also the nearest stars with their planets and satellites. There will also be an opportunity to travel to the closest exoplanet to Earth, Ross 128b.

    For those who do not like to dig ore, there are several solutions to choose from:Breed bees. There is a bee for each ore here.Propagate plants on perches. Crops from IndustrialCraft in this assembly allow you to grow a huge number of plants with different properties and fruits, including the necessary ores.Liquid matter. Why dig and breed something when you can get almost any element using a liquid matter replicator. Liquid matter can be obtained from almost any unnecessary things.

    For creativity, there is a huge number of blocks, as well as various mods that change the textures of blocks, mods that allow you to cut blocks or make blocks of a certain shape from them. Here you can build any buildings in different styles and eras.

    This modpack gives you the opportunity to do what you love for a very long period. Updates are constantly coming out, adding new cars and mechanisms, fixing bugs, adding new quests and even mods.

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  • Excalibur-Craft HiTech Minecraft server

    Excalibur-Craft HiTech Minecraft server

    Do you quickly grasp all the achievements of leading scientists in your favorite field? I’m tired of all? That way! The diamond sword is looking more and more depressing every day – replace it with a top-notch nano saber! Jump higher – run faster, overcome your own limits!

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  • Infinity server Minecraft

    Infinity server Minecraft

    Infinity Server – 1.7.10

    Infinity. This word can convey anything. Infinity is like a beautiful tree, the main branches of which are industrial and magical. And these branches are intertwined in many places with smaller branches. They are quite well maintained, which shows up well in many aspects of the game. For example, in order to craft, study, or obtain any item, you will have to research both of these branches. Then the opportunity to see their intersections will become available to you. It is the intersections of small branches of this tree that give you special technologies and knowledge to open other more complex plexuses.

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  • TechnoMagic 1.12 – Minecraft server

    TechnoMagic 1.12 – Minecraft server
    TechnoMagic – Do you know technical and magical mods? Do you want to be a wizard and at the same time automate crafting? Then this server is definitely for you! Very high quality build with many popular mods. Lots of new recipes and crafts, new things and items!

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  • GregTech – hardcore techno mods Minecraft server

    GregTech – hardcore techno mods Minecraft server
    – play even from the phone! Launcher with mods for Android and PC!– MORE THAN 20 OWN ADDONS– Create CLANS and conduct clan wars– Mini games with mods on each server – weapons, bosses– Character menu on the F4 button in the video phone: Block store, Market for trading, Cases, Whales, Warps and businesses– Character customization and decoration: Set a unique hairstyle, beard, hat, glasses, bracelet, watch– Your own mod for 200 3D decorations– Your own techno mod for 50 mechanisms and 100 types of armor, weapons and tools – Energy Addition– Unique chat – make it a convenient size, move the chat across the screen, Emoji, stickers, two types of chat style– YOUR JOB / warp job – earn in-game currency – Mining farm and crypto exchange – /crypto – earn game currency – Mod for your bosses, menu with bosses

    More than 10 different branches and builds of modified servers. Choose a server to suit your taste.

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  • Beemo.FUN Hi-tech Minecraft server

    Beemo.FUN Hi-tech Minecraft server

    A server project without dupes, lags, or cheats. There are unique items, custom mods and plugins.

    There are a minimum of restrictions, it is possible to use a huge number of panels.

    Our own launcher which we are constantly improving.

    Random gift systems with the possibility of improvement, free roulette.

    Our servers run on powerful dedicated hardware.

    A huge selection of free HD skins and HD cloaks, there is also the ability to enable shaders.

    The absence of wipes allows you to play for fun without fear of losing your home and resources.

    Regeneration of worlds once every 30-60 days, deleting only abandoned private spaces.

    Protection for newcomers from PvP for 7 days.

    The administration is always ready to help adequate players in solving emerging problems.



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  • ❤️ SHADOW ⭐ DRAGONNEST 1.12.2 ⚡ NEW SERVER 28.12 Minecraft server

    ❤️ SHADOW ⭐ DRAGONNEST 1.12.2 ⚡ NEW SERVER 28.12 Minecraft server

    ⭐ Free HD skins and HD capes for all players!

    ⭐ Cases for voting!

    Opportunity to purchase privileges without donating!

    Minimum of prohibited things!

    ⭐ Self-written mods!

    ⭐ No premium items!

    European hosting without lags!

    ⭐ High online and responsive technical support!

    ⚡ DragonNest – A place where technology and magic come together into one. Unlimited possibilities, combining high technology and magic with many interesting crafts. Assembly is quite complicated. Survive alone or with friends, build complex automated systems or engage in farming, obtain resources from advanced mechanisms or extract them manually, the choice is yours! Our server has everything for comfortable development!


    Advanced Solar PanelsAE2 StuffAmbientSoundsApplied Energistics 2AvaritiaBaublesBeeBetterAtBeesBetterFoliageBinnie-ModsBlood ArsenalBlood MagicBotaniaDraconic EvolutionDragons RadioEnder IOEnder IO BaseEnder IO ConduitsExtra BotanyExtra CellsExtra UtilitiesFlux NetworksForestryFTB QuestsGendustryGraviation SuiteIndu strial Craft 2 ClassicInventory TweaksIron ChestJourney MapJust Enough Items (JEI)Lazy AE2Magic BeesMekanismMystical WorldOnline Picture FrameOptiFinePersonalizationRootsThaumcraft 6Thaumic AdditionsThaumic AugmentationThaumic EnergesticThermal DynamicsThermal ExpansionThermal FoundationTinkers ConstructTwilight ForestVaried CommoditiesXtonesIn dustrial ForegoingXNet

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  • Mchereoes


    [1.8 – 1.19+] Crossplay Java/Bedrock Network includes Oneblock, Lifesteal, Skyblock and Prison. Join our community now! We are constantly updating our servers and collecting feedback from community to create the best server possible in Minecraft join us now and help us become the best Minecraft server ever.

    Server IP

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  • ♐ MineBars ♐ WINTER UPDATE ⭐ 1.8 – 1.20.1 Minecraft server

    ♐ MineBars ♐ WINTER UPDATE ⭐ 1.8 – 1.20.1 Minecraft server

    ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬

    MineBars server on version 1.8 – 1.12.2 – 1.19.4

    — BedWars, SkyPvP, SkyWars, The Hunger Games, SkyBlock, AmongUS

    Clans, arena for clan battles, as well as top clans

    Statistics of the best players

    — Entertainment: parkour, trampolines, club, casino, hangout, mob rocking, fishing, relaxation beach

    — Unique plugins made by our programmers

    — Rare wipes, and there is also a world of donators – without wipes

    — Secret Easter eggs, secrets, hidden gifts

    — Honest donation

    IP –


    VK group:

    A cozy server with an experienced administration, guaranteeing you a comfortable game without lags.

    We are already more than 5 years old. Excellent survival and PvP server with good online.

    Beautiful buildings, there is a world without wipes. A unique set of plugins for convenience.

    A lot of entertainment, on our server you will not have time to get bored 🙂

    Here you will find everything you like, and there is nothing unnecessary!

    ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬

    Server IP

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  • Draon Land VSMP

    Draon Land VSMP

    Dragon Land Vanilla Survival Multiplayer (VSMP) -Vanilla Minecraft Server set in Hard Mode- WE HAVE: ~Crate System ~Full Economy System ~Rank System ~Custom Enchants AND MORE (with so much more on the way) Join us for beta week TODAY BETA WEEK STARTS TODAY, we are open to any and all suggestions!!! Enjoy your stay and welcome to our community

    Server IP

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  • Maze runner roleplay

    Maze runner roleplay

    Welcome to Maze Runner Roleplay!

    A roleplay server where you enter into the world of Maze Runner and begin your very own adventure as a Glader stuck within the Maze!

    Server IP

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  • MalxlandBeta Minecraft server

    MalxlandBeta Minecraft server


    Version 1.8

    New server. It was redone after a crash. Lamp server with its own spawn and respectful administration

    In progress

    Server IP

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  • Iaddithis


    We offer – Custom mobs – Magic – Playerdriven updates – The community decides on the updates via a polling system :upvote_green: – Complete food overhaul – Custom Brewery – New metals such as silvers & Mithril – New crops such as tomatoes, cabbage and corn – The possibilities are endless join Iaddithis Today!

    Server IP

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP – Click to COPY

  • Wolf.rp


    Hey you’re probably wondering what is Wolf.rp. Wolf.rp is a Minecraft server that brings life into the game, i.e. a roleplay server. We are a whitlist server to exclude Fail.rp as much as possible, so you have to apply on our Discord server What do we offer? We offer good gameplay and a few Coustum plugins/scripts. We want to replace everything with Coustums plugins in the future. Also a friendly server team! Join today!

    Server IP

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  • Shine smp

    Shine smp

    The SHINE SMP is a brand new SMP with features like:BOSSES, CUSTOM ITEMS, GRAVES, SHOPPING DISTRICT, NON PAY 2 WIN, FRIENDLY ACTIVE ADMINSStealing AND killing is allowed almost everywhere. Griefing however, isn’t.

    We are a very new server. It would be very appreciated if you check us out at : (ip) Thank you for reading and hopefully you join! 🙏🏿DISCORD:

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  • Nikhil2406Q server

    Nikhil2406Q server

    Pls join and server is aternos and if for server access join my discord link – And PLS SUB me on YouTube- NIKHIL2406Q

    Server IP

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