Best Heroes Minecraft Servers 2024

  • Minecraft QuirkCraft: Boku No Hero Academia Edition

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    Minecraft QuirkCraft: Boku No Hero Academia Edition
    Welcome to our Minecraft server where the final battle is about to go down! Bakugo, Shoto, and Ochako are all out of commission – looks like they partied too hard at the block party last night!

    But fear not, because we have a secret weapon on our server – a giant chicken named Cluck Norris who will lead us to victory with his powerful pecking skills. Join now and witness the epic showdown between players and mobs as we fight for control of the ultimate diamond castle!

    New Minecraft Servers - Minecraft QuirkCraft: Boku No Hero Academia Edition

    Don’t be left behind like Bakugo, Shoto, and Ochako – join our server now and become a part of the craziest Minecraft adventure you’ve ever seen! Who knows, you might even discover the hidden treasure of the legendary Notchbeard the Pirate!

    New Minecraft Server
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  • UBWcraft: The Ultimate Minecraft Server – Better Than the Rest! #UBW #Minecraft #GamerLife

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    UBWcraft: The Ultimate Minecraft Server – Better Than the Rest! #UBW #Minecraft #GamerLife
    Looking for a Minecraft server that is as epic and fulfilling as the UBW route in Fate/Stay Night? Look no further, because our server is the perfect blend of adventure, friendship, and unlimited blade works!

    Join us as we journey through the unknown future together, just like Rin and Shirou. Who knows what crazy adventures await us as we become better builders than we started out as. From epic battles to building magnificent structures, there’s never a dull moment on our server.

    New Minecraft Servers - UBWcraft: The Ultimate Minecraft Server - Better Than the Rest! #UBW #Minecraft #GamerLife

    So why settle for anything less when you can join a Minecraft server that is truly the best route to take? Join us now and let’s create our own fate together!

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Charlie Roleplay VS Hypixel

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    Charlie Roleplay VS Hypixel
    Hypixel Charlie Roleplay
    + Large player base + Immersive roleplay experience
    + Various minigames available + Unique storyline with guilds
    + Constant updates and events + Custom items and bosses
    – Can be overcrowded at times – Smaller player base
    – Steeper learning curve for beginners – Limited server features


    Q: Which server has a larger player base? A: Hypixel has a larger player base compared to Charlie Roleplay.

    Q: Which server offers a more immersive roleplay experience? A: Charlie Roleplay offers a more immersive roleplay experience with a unique storyline and guild system.

    Q: Which server has constant updates and events? A: Hypixel is known for its constant updates and events to keep players engaged.

    Q: Which server has custom items and bosses? A: Charlie Roleplay features custom items and bosses to enhance gameplay.

    Q: Which server has a steeper learning curve for beginners? A: Hypixel may have a steeper learning curve for beginners due to the variety of minigames and features available.

    Q: Which server has a smaller player base? A: Charlie Roleplay has a smaller player base compared to Hypixel.

    Q: Which server has limited server features? A: Charlie Roleplay may have limited server features compared to Hypixel due to its focus on roleplay elements.

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  • He-Man Avoidance Society: A Fear of Handsome Heroes in Minecraft

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    He-Man Avoidance Society: A Fear of Handsome Heroes in Minecraft

    Why do western devs shy away from creating hunky hunks in their games? Join our Minecraft server where the only fear is running out of diamonds while your chiseled avatar flexes in the sunset!

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  • Azalea Realms VS Hypixel

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    Azalea Realms VS Hypixel
    Pros Cons
    Gameplay Offers a wide variety of mini-games and custom game modes May feel overwhelming for new players
    Community Large player base with active forums and Discord server Can be crowded and competitive
    Updates Frequent updates and events to keep gameplay fresh Sometimes prone to bugs and glitches due to constant updates
    Azalea Realms
    Pros Cons
    Gameplay Unique custom content like Border SMP May have limited game modes compared to larger servers
    Community Tight-knit community with a welcoming atmosphere Smaller player base compared to Hypixel
    Updates Regular updates to introduce new features and content May not have as many frequent updates as larger servers


    Which server has more game modes?

    Hypixel offers a wider variety of mini-games and custom game modes compared to Azalea Realms.

    Which server has a larger player base?

    Hypixel has a larger player base with a more competitive and crowded environment, while Azalea Realms has a smaller but tight-knit community.

    Which server has more frequent updates?

    Both servers regularly update their content, but Hypixel may have more frequent updates due to its larger scale.

    Which server is more beginner-friendly?

    Azalea Realms may be more beginner-friendly due to its smaller community and potentially less overwhelming gameplay options compared to Hypixel.

    New Minecraft Server
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    Welcome to DezoMC – Where Adventure Awaits!

    Embark on an unforgettable journey through the realms of DezoMC, a Minecraft server like no other. With a plethora of diverse gameplay experiences, DezoMC caters to every type of player, whether you seek the tranquility of nature, the challenge of survival, the thrill of exploration, or the excitement of PvP battles.

    Survival Multiplayer (SMP) – Nature’s Haven:Step into the serene landscapes of Nature’s Haven, our SMP world where lush forests, rolling hills, and vast oceans await your exploration. Build your dream home nestled amidst towering trees, create thriving farms to sustain yourself, or join forces with fellow adventurers to construct bustling towns and settlements. With a dedicated focus on community and cooperation, Nature’s Haven provides a tranquil haven for those seeking a peaceful Minecraft experience.

    Prison Server – The Depths of Dezo:Delve into the depths of The Depths of Dezo, our uniquely challenging prison server. Trapped within the confines of a sprawling penitentiary, you must navigate through treacherous mines, overcome daunting obstacles, and amass wealth and power to secure your escape. Work your way up through the ranks, from lowly inmate to feared kingpin, as you outsmart rivals, forge alliances, and dominate the ruthless prison hierarchy. Are you ready to prove your mettle and claim your freedom?

    Dezo Adventures – Unleash Your Heroic Spirit:Embark on epic quests and conquer daring challenges in Dezo Adventures, where custom enchants, dynamic worlds, and thrilling adventures await. From treacherous dungeons teeming with monsters to majestic landscapes ripe for exploration, every corner of Dezo Adventures is brimming with excitement and intrigue. Master powerful enchantments, uncover hidden treasures, and forge your legacy as a true hero of Dezo.


      Custom Enchants: Unleash the full potential of your gear with a wide array of unique and powerful enchantments tailored specifically for DezoMC.

      Dynamic Worlds: Explore meticulously crafted worlds filled with diverse biomes, hidden secrets, and endless opportunities for adventure.

      Community Events: Engage in thrilling community events, from massive PvP battles to collaborative building projects, and forge lasting friendships with fellow players.

      Active Staff: Our dedicated team of staff members is committed to ensuring a seamless and enjoyable experience for all players, providing support, assistance, and regular updates to keep the adventure fresh and exciting.

    Join us on DezoMC and embark on a journey unlike any other. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a newcomer to the world of Minecraft, there’s always something new to discover, challenges to conquer, and memories to be made in the realms of DezoMC. Are you ready to begin your adventure?

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  • Herocraft minecraft rpg s

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    Herocraft minecraft rpg s

    Herocraft is one of the oldest running servers for Minecraft. It features a great community with friendly staff and an ethical micro-transaction store! Join today, you wont be disappointed!Featuring over 25 indepth RPG classes and massive worlds linked together for PVE, PVP and RP style gameplay!

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  • Rpg s insane craft

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    Rpg s insane craft

    A fan-made server so you can also play Insane Craft with your friends like your YouTube Heroes!!

    Curseforge link

    Technic Link

    Make your own custom hero or use one of the pre-made heroes.IWe have land claiming, party system, player shops, kits and voting crates with tons more planned.

    NThe server is new and therefore a work in progress expect updates.[Discord]

    Play the same mods played by: [SSundee], [Sigils], [Henwy], [BiffleWiffle]and [JeromeASF].

    SRecommended RAM:




    Mod List:

    The Betweenlands (MrCompost)

    AbyssalCraft (Shinoow)

    AbyssalCraft Integrations (Shinoow)

    Alchemistry (al132)

    AmbientSounds 4 (CreativeMD)

    Ancient Spellcraft (windanesz)

    B.A.S.E (lanse505)

    BadWitherNoCookieReloaded (Kreezxil)

    Bewitchment-Legacy (sunconure11)

    Botania (Vazkii)

    Brandon’s Core (brandon3055)

    Buildcraft (Covert_Jaguar)

    Carry On (Tschipp)

    Champions (TheIllusiveC4)

    Chunk-Pregenerator (Speiger)

    Coral Tombstone (Coral_31)

    CraftTweaker (Jaredlll08)

    CreativeCore (CreativeMD)

    Cyclic (Lothrazar)

    DimensionalDoors (DimensionalDevelopment)

    Doomlike Dungeons (JaredBGreat)

    Draconic Evolution (brandon3055)

    Electroblob’s Wizardry (Electroblob)

    ExtraPlanets (MJRLegends)

    FastWorkbench (Shadows_of_Fire)

    Flux Networks (sonar_sonic)

    FoamFix (asiekierka)

    Future MC (thedarkcolour)

    Hammer (Lib) Core (Zeitheron)

    iChunUtil (ohaiiChun)

    Inventory Pets (Purplicious_Cow_)

    Just Enough Calculation (towdium)

    LittleTiles (CreativeMD)

    Lucraft: Core (Lucraft)

    Mahou Tsukai (stepcross)

    MJRLegends Lib (MJRLegends)

    ModTweaker (Jaredlll08)

    MTLib (Jaredlll08)

    Mystical World (Noobanidus)

    MysticalLib (Noobanidus)

    Patchouli (Vazkii)

    Recipe Stages (Jaredlll08)

    Roots (Noobanidus)

    So Many Enchantments (ShelterRin)

    Tesla Core Lib (face_of_cat)

    The Aether (GildedGames)

    The Aurorian (shiroroku)

    Tickrate Changer (Guichaguri)

    UniDict (WanionCane)

    Worley’s Caves (super_fluke)

    xXx_MoreToolMats_xXx (TeamDman)

    /dank/null (TheRealp455w0rd)

    A Lib (al132)

    Actually Additions (Ellpeck)

    Additional Structures (XxRexRaptorxX)

    Admin Weapons (elias54_)

    Advent of Ascension (Scimiguy)

    AE2 Stuff (started)

    AE2 Wireless Terminal Library (TheRealp455w0rd)

    Aether Continuation (XaeronTheProtogen)

    Aether: Lost Content (Modding Legacy)

    Akashic Tome (Vazkii)

    Animus (TeamDman)

    Antique Atlas (Hunternif)

    Apotheosis (Shadows_of_Fire)

    AppleCore (squeek502)

    AppleSkin (squeek502)

    Applied Energistics 2 (AlgorithmX2)

    Armory Expansion (AshuraNoYami)

    Aroma1997Core (Aroma1997)

    AromaBackup (Aroma1997)

    Astral Sorcery (HellFirePvP)

    AutoRegLib (Vazkii)

    Greed 1.1x (brandon3055)

    Baubles (Azanor13)

    BdLib (started)

    Better Builder’s Wands (Portablejim)

    BetterFps (Guichaguri)

    Biome O’ Plenty (Forstride)

    BiomeTweaker (superckl)

    Blood Arsenal (Arcaratus)

    Blood Magic (WayofTime)

    Bookshelf (DarkhaxDev)

    Botanic Additions (Zeitheron)

    Bountiful (Forge) (ejektaflex)

    Building Gadgets (Direwolf20)

    Chance Cubes (TurkeyDev)

    Chicken Chunks 1.8.+ (covers1624)

    Chickens (setycz)

    Chisel (tterrag1098)

    CodeChicken Lib 1.8.+ (covers1624)

    CoFH Core (TeamCoFH)

    CoFH World (TeamCoFH)

    CompactStorage (tobyystrong)

    ConnectedTexturesMod (tterrag1098)

    Construct’s Armory (TheIllusiveC4)

    ContentTweaker (Jaredlll08)

    Controlling (Jaredlll08)

    Wearable Backpacks (HeckinChloe)

    CoroUtil (Corosus)

    Crafting Tweaks (BlayTheNinth)

    Crimson Revelations (mobiusflip)

    Dark Utilities (DarkhaxDev)

    Doggy Talents (percivalalb)

    Draconic Additions (FoxMcloud5655)

    Dungeons2 (gottsch)

    Electroblob’s Twilight Forest Spell Pack (Electroblob)

    Enchantment Descriptions (DarkhaxDev)

    Ender Storage 1.8.+ (covers1624)

    Energy Converters (xalcon)

    Extra Alchemy (zabi94)

    Extra Spells (Electroblob’s Wizardry) (meldexun)

    Extra Utilities ()

    ExtraCells2 ()

    Farseek (delvr)

    FastFurnace (Shadows_of_Fire)

    Forestry ()

    Game Stages (DarkhaxDev)

    Genindustry (started)

    Genindustry JEI (ninjabrain1)

    Ghost’s Explosives (ghostgamingpe)

    GottschCore (gottsch)

    Guide-API (TehNut)

    GunpowderLib (Jackyy)

    Hatchery (GenDeathrow)

    HeroesExpansion (Lucraft)

    Hwyla (TehNut)

    ICBM-Classic (QueenOfMissiles)

    Ice and Fire: Dragons (alex_khaan)

    Industrial Foregoing (Buuz135)

    Infinity Craft (AnvilcraftMC)

    Integration Foregoing (Jackyy)

    Inventory Tweaks (JimeoWan)

    Iron Chests (ProgWML6)

    JEI Bees (started)

    JEI Integrations (SnowShock35)

    JourneyMap (techbrew)

    Just Enough Energistics (TheRealp455w0rd)

    Just Enough Harvestcraft (mrapplexz)

    Just Enough Items (mezz)

    Just Enough Resources (way2muchnoise)

    Lapis Stays in the Enchantment Table ()

    LLibrary ()

    Loot Games (Time_Conqueror)

    LootBags (Mina_the_Engineer)

    LootTableTweaker (DarkhaxDev)

    Lycanites Mobs (Lycanite)

    Mantle (mDiyo)

    Max Potion ID Extender (zabi94)

    GalacticraftCore (Micdoodle)

    MicDoodleCore (Micdoodle)

    Minerva Library (zabi94)

    Moar Tinkers (AshuraNoYami)

    More Bees (Tencao)

    More Chickens (GenDeathrow)

    More Overlays (FeldiM245)

    Morpheus (Quetzi)

    Mouse Tweaks (YaLTeR)

    Mowzie’s Mobs (bobmowzie)

    MrCrayfish’s Furniture Mod (MrCrayfish)

    Multi Mob Library (Daveyx0)

    Natura (mDiyo)

    Nature’s Compass (Chaosyr)

    NotEnoughIDs (fewizz_)

    OMLib (Keridos)

    Open Modular Turrets (Keridos)

    OpenBlocks (OpenMods)

    OpenModsLib (OpenMods)

    Ordinary Coins (flametaichou)

    Ore Excavation (Funwayguy)

    p455w0rd’s Library (TheRealp455w0rd)

    Pam’s Breadcraft (quackandcheese)

    Pam’s Cookables (BloodWorkXGaming)

    Pam’s HarvestCraft (pamharvestcraft)

    Performant (someaddon)

    Phosphor (jellysquid3)

    Placebo (Shadows_of_Fire)

    PlayerAPI (doch13_)

    Portal Gun (ohaiiChun)

    Primitive Mobs (Daveyx0)

    Project Intelligence (brandon3055)

    Quark (Vazkii)

    Quark Oddities (Vazkii)

    RandomPatches (TheRandomLabs)

    Redstone Arsenal (TeamCoFH)

    Redstone Flux (TeamCoFH)

    xReliquary (P3pp3rF1y)

    Roguelike Dungeons (Greymerk)

    Roost (timrwood)

    Serene Seasons (TheAdubbz)

    Shadowfacts’ Forgelin (ShadowfactsDev)

    Simple Generators (TeamKrypticLink)

    Sit (bl4ckscor3)

    Perhaps (TheRoBrit)

    Sound Reloader (TheWhoAreYouPerson)

    Special AI (FatherToast)

    Speedster Heroes (Lucraft)

    Spice of Life: Carrot Edition (lordcazsius)

    Star Tech, Man! (nictogen)

    Straw Golem (Fradige95)

    Streams (delvr)

    Surge (DarkhaxDev)

    SwingThroughGrass (exidex)

    TAIGA (zkafaceTV)

    TellMe (masady)

    Thaumcraft (Azanor13)

    Thaumic Inventory Scanning (BlayTheNinth)

    Thaumic IF (Buuz135)

    Thaumic Terminal (O_O)

    The Fifth World (nictogen)

    The Midnight (cipher_zero_x)

    The Twilight Forest (Benimatic)

    Thermal Cultivation (TeamCoFH)

    Thermal Dynamics (TeamCoFH)

    Thermal Expansion (TeamCoFH)

    Thermal Foundation (TeamCoFH)

    Time Core (Time_Conqueror)

    Tinkers Construct (mDiyo)

    Tinkers’ Tool Leveling (bonus bonus)

    Tiny Progressions (Kashdeya)

    TNTUtils (ljfa2)

    Treasure2! (gottsch)

    Underground Biomes (Kreezxil)

    ValkyrieLib (ValkyrieofNight)

    VanillaFix (Runemoro)

    Wall-Jump! (genandnic)

    WanionLib (WanionCane)

    Waystones (BlayTheNinth)

    Weather2 (Corosus)

    Wireless Crafting Terminal (TheRealp455w0rd)

    XL Food Mod (mariot7)

    ZenStages (artdude543)

    Lycanite’s Redux (indominator650)

    Wakanda Lucraft Add-on (Azinthos)

    DFHeroes Lucraft Add-on (DuvainFeynorim)


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  • Sharpnesscraft

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    Welcome to sharpnesscraft

    We have one a custom map where survival mode is enabled and you can build. There is also a RPG world where you can’t build but there are dungeons, bosses, respawning loot and quests there. PVP is off in RPG. RPG was once nothing but a flatlands map. It is all custom built by the staff. Grief, pvp, and raiding are all allowed in the build world. Towny is a way to protect your stuff by making a town.

    We use heroes to earn exp and learn new skills. Currently we have four tier one classes and four tier two classes are coming soon.There are mob arenas for fast leveling with wave after wave of mobs. In RPG mobs level up the further you go from spawn. They have more health and hit harder but you will earn more exp for killing them.

    We have movecraft that allows you to make boats, submarines, and airships. They can shoot as well.Some mobs will drop custom equipment because of the mythic drops plugin. RPG has a few npc shops to buy basic equipment and building blocks. You can trade with players in a 15 block radius by sneaking and right clicking them or with the command /trade.

    RPG world is always a work in progress new quests and dungeons are always being worked on. We also have a live map so you can chat with people on the server on the go. It also helps you find your way through the worlds. The servers Dynmap is at BEDROCK CLIENT IP port 50126

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  • Rpgs classic heros

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    Rpgs classic heros

    A classic 1.7.10 Superhero modpack.

    Come play RPGs Classic Heros modpack we have a serverwith tons of fun features such as shops, crates, mob arena, economy and much more.

    Classic Heros Technic Pack


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  • ⭐ ❗ GucciGame ❗ ⭐ BEST SERVER ⭐ 1.1.X – 1.20.X Minecraft server

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    ⭐ ❗ GucciGame ❗ ⭐ BEST SERVER ⭐ 1.1.X – 1.20.X Minecraft server

    GucciGame – The best Minecraft Pocket Edition server!

    Join us and enjoy the limitless possibilities of the server together with the coolest players. Discover new lands and exciting adventures on a server that many know and love. Here you will find tons of entertainment and an atmosphere unlike any other place. A variety of games, an active and friendly community, incredible adventures and adventures. A unique bonus system, mini-games, survival and much more await you at GucciGame! Become part of the legend of the block worlds of our server – join us right now and find yourself in the very epicenter of the Minecraft community!


    Port: 19132

    Version: 1.1.X and 1.16.X – 1.20.X

    Our website:

    How to start playing:

    VK group:

    The server is constantly improving, so if you haven’t found something, it may already exist or will appear soon!

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    ⭐A unique griefing system: free donation, distribution of rubles, without lags is waiting for you⭐

    ? Gaming IP –

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  • VanillaBox SURVIVAL WITHOUT WIPES and DONATES Minecraft server

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    VanillaBox SURVIVAL WITHOUT WIPES and DONATES Minecraft server
    The owner of the “VanillaBox SURVIVAL WITHOUT WIPES AND DONATES” server has not yet added a description. This Minecraft server is very different from other servers, but not like the others.
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  • FREEDON HERE GET A FREE/HACK Minecraft server

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    FREEDON HERE GET A FREE/HACK Minecraft server
    The owner of the server “FREEDON HERE GET A FREE HACK” has not yet added a description. This Minecraft server is very different from other servers, but not like the others.
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  • Nexus Mine | Perfect server Anarchy Minecraft server

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    Nexus Mine |  Perfect server Anarchy Minecraft server

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  • TANOMI is the best project in the CIS! Minecraft server

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    TANOMI is the best project in the CIS!  Minecraft server

    IP for PC – java:


    – We are 4 years old from 07/11/2019, project restart 01/07/2024

    Minecraft 1.20.1

    – Map size 5000 blocks

    – Mode: survival.

    – Seasons, temperature!

    – No main world wipes!

    – 8 combat classes for leveling up (/sk1lls)

    – Endless upgrade of the profession!

    – Pumping up additional health.

    – The number of respawns is limited to 1000.

    – 200 new enchantments.

    – Pets and Agathions (spirits)

    – New fishing

    – Mining skills

    – Auctions (/ah)

    – Open PvP outside regions

    – Stores and buyer

    – Powerful economy based on emeralds.

    – Daily auto rewards for logging in.

    – Vanilla with x3 number of monsters.

    – New enhanced mobs and bosses.

    – Blood Moon. Every 14 game days.

    – Meteorites.

    – New artifact weapons and armor with skills.

    – Armor and weapons can be sharpened at the Blacksmith

    – Emerald gives 1 vanilla level (RMB)

    – Mob spawners with upgrades!

    – Spawners can be collected with a 50% chance, you need the “silk touch” enchantment.

    – Besserty totems work from any inventory slot and can be upgraded!

    – Beekeeping gives you the opportunity to fly!

    – The Archer’s table collects accumulated experience in bottles.

    – Basic privates through protective stones.

    – Private with protective stones (/ps help)

    – Protection disappears after 30 days if the rental is not renewed.

    – Auto quizzes and events!

    – Guilds (/guild), wars, bonuses.

    – Five groups of donation privileges: VIP, Fly, Premium, Lord, Viscount.

    – There are no purchased admin panels.

    – Constant updates, many different plugins!

    – Pojavlauncher – works without errors!

    – Adequate and kind project team!

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  • SantyWorld DONATE EVERYONE! Minecraft server

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    SantyWorld DONATE EVERYONE!  Minecraft server
    The owner of the server “SantyWorld DONATE EVERYONE” has not yet added a description. This Minecraft server is very different from other servers, but not like the others.
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  • FREEDON HERE GET A FREE/HACK Minecraft server

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    FREEDON HERE GET A FREE/HACK Minecraft server
    The owner of the server “FREEDON HERE GET A FREE HACK” has not yet added a description. This Minecraft server is very different from other servers, but not like the others.
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  • CherryWorld- Our atmospheric | Minecraft closed beta test server

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    CherryWorld- Our atmospheric |  Minecraft closed beta test server
    The owner of the server “CherryWorld – Our atmospheric Closed beta test” has not yet added a description. This Minecraft server is very different from other servers, but not like the others.
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  • Asalum Project Minecraft server

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    Asalum Project Minecraft server
    The owner of the Asalum Project server has not yet added a description. This Minecraft server is very different from other servers, but not like the others.
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