Self-assembled assembly based on mods such as GregTech4, Forestry, Railcraft and MineFactoryReloaded. If you don’t rush, you can enjoy the game within a couple of months. Vanilla recipes, cleverly complicated by the GregTech mod and the administration.
The beginning of the game begins with the mining of bronze and the transition to steam engines (Blast furnaces, steam turbines and basic bronze mechanisms for crushing and smelting). After creating a solid foundation under your feet in the form of a set of bronze mechanisms, you can begin to create simple electrical devices and mechanisms. At this stage, the most important thing is steel, which is needed in very large quantities. Having created basic electrical devices (Ovens, crushers, compressors and rubber extractors), the transition usually occurs to nuclear reactors and solar panels. Having a stable source of energy, it makes sense to create powerful multi-unit electrical mechanisms (Electric blast furnaces, grinders, etc.). The generally accepted outcome of the game is the construction of a thermonuclear reactor, with proper automation of which you can obtain fabulous amounts of energy.
In addition, there are many interesting mechanics that will make your life easier: beekeeping, breeding, molecular storage, tree breeding, many new blocks for construction, oil and gas industry, automatic drilling systems and improved mining tools.
This build was our first server and is currently the most stable and well thought out.
Server:AdvancedSolarPanelADVPatcherAppliedEnergistics 2BetterQuestingBiblioCraftBinnieModsBiomesOPlentyBuildCraftCarpenters-BlocksCatWalksChiselCodeChickenCoreCofhCoreCraftTweakerEnderCoreEnderStorageExtraCellsFoamFixForestryGraviSuiteGregTech4IC2NuclearControlImmersiveCaveGenIndustrialCraft 2 ExInfernalMobsInventoryTweaksIronChestMineFactoryReloadedMineTweakerRecipeMakerMobiusCoreModTweaker2NEIAddonsNEICustomDiagramNEIIntegrationNotEnoughEnergisticsNotEnoughItemsTreeCapitatorProjectRedRailcraftWailaWailaHarvestabilityWAILAPlugins